Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.
in response to RTW13's message

RTW13, IMO a very clever game of information release if being played here, nothing being officially withheld, just not wrapped up in a pretty bow for all to immediately see & comprehend. I base this in my layman's understanding that:

The BFS is specifically structured IMO to comply with NI 43-101 only.

The 2012 DD programme was halted rather than add more inferred in the shell pit over to measured.

All the raw data and correlation data will be available to the big boys when they express an interest, and only if Teck or CUU say no to a deal under the Salazar terms of agreement.

Knee jerk SP reaction will happen because of this, and the MMs will make away like the bandits they are if the shareholders lose confidence in CUU. I always remember the old adage "You only lose money in a stock if you sell it below what you paid for it".

I greatly appreciate the AG Board and its contributors who offer constructive debate and share information and opinions.

I appreciate even more the CUU team who IMHO are doing a great job with my investment in them, and I'm content that the eventual payout will be worth it. My investment time frame for this play has ended up much longer than initially planned, but I truly believe that this is down to the fact that Shaft Creek and the adjacent blocks proved up to be much more valuable than initially predicted, thus the increase in project time frame.

I totally agree that communication to retail shareholders such as myself could have been better, with more reasons given up front for project delays, however, I also believe that management have had their own reasons for going about their business in the way that they have. I trust their experience in this business far more than my own conjecturing.

All IMO of course.



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