Connacher Oil and Gas

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DG's op updates have always been a good read. I suspect he has or had literary ambitions.

"...We continue to be encouraged by the stability and improving reliability of our production at Great Divide...."

Well, I'm delighted at the prospect of imagining a better world than the one I live on.

So reading outside the box, production at GD is, at best, flat. Not growing. And flat production is not good enough. Mr. Market doesn't think so.

Seen the latest slide presentation? "The stage is set" Act I, Act 2 .... What CEO in his right mind would present their billion dollar company as a theatrical production? Are shareholders supposed to be ticket holders? Krikey! I hope this play has a happy ending!

As to the future, another quote from the op update:

"... A significant capital commitment will be required from the successful joint venturer to finance the plant, facilities and wells required to realize this new capacity, thereby earning an interest in Connacher's established undeveloped probable reserves in the region. Connacher intends to retain operatorship of the project...."

Hmm, no mention of being co-owner of the production. Who would spend $600 mm to receive say 90% of 24K boes with netbacks of say ... $25 per boe. And let Connacher be the sole operator, they who have proved so adept at achieving 70% production at GD.

I'm just having a bit of fun here. I want CLL to succeed, I like rooting for the underdog.

Will CLL be bought? Billion dollars debt. Half a billion shares outstanding. Current production of 15k boes p/d Prospect of adding 20k more in 2 years, if you want to cough up another $600 mm. Give me a $1 a share right now and I'll leave quietly.

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