rebels1's Profile

rebels1's Posts

Re: Good analyse /price of bitumen dropped to $52/bbl

Hi ludwig

I just put bladerunner on ignore,,something we need on this board.

over 12 years ago
Re: Good analyse /price of bitumen dropped to $52/bbl

Hello Ludwig

So it looks like these guys are saying the Jan/Feb drop should see oil above a $94 support level..Do the charts however take the rising Iran tensions into consideration.

Another thing is the spread between heavy and light oil which currently is narrowing.

over 12 years ago
Re: Good analyse made

Old Dog

Sharkey is correct about the refinery expansion..CLL bought the property beside the refinery and the initial use will be storage with eventual expansion.. The articles from local news aren't clear about the expansion plans.

over 12 years ago
Re: The Rules on the TSX are about to change

Hi Scott

This is great. Will at least put a little brake when the manipulation is in full swing..I don't think CLL could have been driven down to .235 if these rules were in place.

over 12 years ago
Re: Good analyse made


Oldswan is an idiot,,,be very vary of anyone that starts off his message stating he owns no shares. Someone spending so much time on a post has a vested interest in doing so. Considering he's got no shares it means someone is paying him to post. Read his post history, constantly negative. He , or his employer is either looking to short or consolidate at low prices..Look at 10 year chart, it's not unusual for CLL SP to dip at this time of the year.

over 12 years ago
Re: make or break?

Old Dog

Goldmans jod is to maximize it's commision period and that means maximizing shaerehold value for any deal...These are greedy Wall Street people after all.

People continue to ignore the facts

The company has sufficient liquidity to meet all of its current financial obligations, including the repayment of its convertible debentures in June, interest payments on its Senior Secured Notes in February and August and funding its announced 2012 capital program.

Jan 20 2012

Of course people here will say this is just pure BS because THEY"VE been in the data room and have all the REAL inside information ...

over 12 years ago
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