Castle Gold Corp

in response to orgprophet's message


I believe that this is a great update for many reasons

  1. I believe that the board is becoming more unified. In this bad economic envoirment the best merger offer this year was with a 50% premium We haven't had an offer tabled as companies seeking mergers are still looking to steal CSG & even a 50% premium after todays 13% increase would still have us @ a .99 offer {simply put is too low} {only 10% above CSG high @ $.90 October 10 /07
  2. This move has likely closed out the short positions coming from the states as with 4 suitors nobody can continue to stay short
  3. We have had 38 suitors to narrow down and included the execution of 12 confidentiality agreements with selected candidates, 8 onsite technical due diligence reviews and four reciprocal onsite technical due diligence reviews. This shows us why there was so much money spent here. Whether a person like's MP or not we all must agree this was a mamoth undertaking
  4. This is now a clear statement to the 4 remaining suitors "get your sheet together & table an offer" or we are moving on the produce this project ourselves. I see this a a very positive & unified approach & one we should all like. They have now been given a deadline to tender reasonable offers or get lost {taking your shorts with you}
  5. Yes I believe that we will see a merger offer tendered if it is over $1.00 then MP will have acheived the largest premium achieved amongst Jr miners this year & that would have too be considered a success. However the gauntlet has been clearly thrown down to our suitors & has stopped the short selling {I was able to buy today & move the $ upwards finally}
  6. The future is now in the shareholders hands as we will vote & accept or decline any offer . I for 1 would not vote to accept anything less then $1.25 but that's just me as I feel that our future is much brighter than this but will take another 1-2 years to maximize our true value
  7. I don't belive that our M& A investment has been wasted as the same suitors will return & pony up @ a much higher level in 1-2 years especially if gold $ moves as expected in the next 6 months
  8. Finally We have a clear unified A + B plan in place. I like TA as our front man & particularily like his presentations to the market I also like MP as he has demonstrated {with his many hats, hard work ethics & huge share position} a total commitment to raising CSG value. We don't need an either TA or MP we need to stop this bashing and unit behind both

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