Castle Gold Corp

Re: What gives?
almost 16 years ago
in response to orgprophet's message

Leave no doubt that I definitely hope to someday experience this stock far above 20 cents A buyout that at that low of a price would be extraordinarily disappointing. That wouldn't even begin to bring back my huge losses.

In reality I don't know what to think anymore. My metrics of how a stock market is supposed to behave as well as how it shouild value various assets has been distorted so severely that I find it difficult to ascertain where a company like CSG will be in a year, two years, or a decade from now. It is mind numbing to think that it could indeed get much worse. I hope not. But knowing my luck anymore it wouldn't surprise me.

I can only hope that your prediction (or perhaps suggestion meant to be taken out of context?) of CSG going to somewhere near a penny never comes true ........but at this point I don't rule out any possiblity!!!! If only I could go back in time 4 months ago and do things so differently!!!

I truly hope that CSG does indeed reach their goal of mining 50K per year by the end of 09'. But I find myself questioning everyting anymore. But who knows? Certainly if they do manage then a lot of our pain will eventually be erased. But if CSG flounders indefinitely on that then I consider my money permanently lost and I lick my wounds and accept the matters at full face value, as well as accept a much later retirement. Either way though it is sickening to think that I could have picked up just as many shares of CSG now compared to 6-12 months ago for just a fraction of the cost. Life is cruel. Some mistakes are painful, while others are gut wrenching.

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