Bravo Multinational Incorporated

Welcome To The GoldLand Holdings Co. HUB On AGORACOM GoldLand Holdings, Co. currently owns (14) mines situated on all (3) gold and silver veins of War Eagle Mountain
in response to BOUTS's message

Lookie here Mr. BOUTS...your absurd moonshot calls and misguided contacts have failed a lot of good folks here for years, but you get an A+ for dogged resolution.

Either they are playing you get you to pump here [or] you are directly part of the actual P&D process. ...doesn't matter, it is unsavory either way, but maybe I will try some short term poker here and bebetter with holding 'em and folding 'em.

We do what we have to do to. I am not proud of making money with metals and metals stocks as it is a bet against our country, but it is one of the few hedges against a collapsing monetary system and public loss of confidence in gov't establishment.

I want to leave my kids something besides all those War Eagle Mountain rocks I brought back after 3 I am building wealth again. "Either get busy living or get busy dying" as they say.

I trusted your sources early on and overinvested, but I also made 3 trips to Idaho and spoke extensively with the casino boys, so it's ultimately my bad, not yours.

As for me losing $$$ with SFMI/GHDC, that was a just a part of money previously made, so only a bad speed bump along the way. Learn from it, play the game smarter, and cherish the loved ones who still remain. That is happening with pic

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Bravo Multinational Incorporated
Reduced to 257M on 11/14/16
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