Amador Gold

Multi-Metal Company Exploiting Prominent Ontario Regions Significant new gold discovery on surface at Loveland (11.48 g\t gold) over 400 meters away from the only other known gold zone (6.37 g/t over 8.55 m & 10.39 g/t over 3.1 m)
Mining Terminology
almost 15 years ago

Concerning sampling and other mining terms, the best way to become knowledgeable is to search the net, places like Wikipedia, often prove useful. Many exploration company web sites have labled pictures showing sampling in progress. A simple analogy is:

Breathing, you are sampling the air for odors. Drilling is exploring but not defined as sampling (except in diamond exploration I believe). Sampling for minerals is as simple as picking up a rock of interest (geologists have rocks of interest) and having it analyzed, it is one type of grab sample. Another type of grab sample is striking a rock with a hammar and the portion broken off becomes the sample. Another sample method is to take a measured amount of soil and have it analyzed. There is channel sampling where a strip of rock is removed with a saw and analyzed. Unless the company tells you how they obtained the sample, they really havent told you anything a scientific or experienced mind would be excited about. They left out "context". If one keeps in mind that a grab sample even with high metal values may be worthless if you don't know where the rock came from (float) or that its grams per ton result is a mathematical computation from a sliver of product, then you will not be overly influenced by high values. The same can be said for drill results. A narrow band or high grade is worthless if there is not enough of it, it is too deep or too far from infrastructure to make a profit mining it. On the other hand a large volume of low grade is what makes the biggest long lived mines.

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