Amador Gold's Profile

Multi-Metal Company Exploiting Prominent Ontario Regions Significant new gold discovery on surface at Loveland (11.48 g\t gold) over 400 meters away from the only other known gold zone (6.37 g/t over 8.55 m & 10.39 g/t over 3.1 m)

Amador Gold Corp.


Loveland Property - 35 km northwest of Timmins, Ont.

Minerals: Copper, Nickel

-NEW GOLD discovery on its Loveland Nickel Copper project

-Drill hole LL08-22 intersected 1.41% copper and 0.98% nickel, or 2.39% combined copper-nickel, over a drilled width of 4.0 metres from 488.0 to 492.0 metres. This intersection occurred at about 400 metres vertically below surface and is the deepest intersection to date at Loveland. The combined copper-nickel grades of 2.39% are higher than the previously seen average of approximately 1.41% combined copper-nickel.

-Drillhole LL08-13, collared to intersect the downdip extension of the Cominco Zone, intersected 6.37 g/t Au over a drilled width of 8.55 meters from 383.25 to 391.80 meters

-Amador's first three holes drilled at Loveland --- spanning a strike length of 100 meters --- all intersected nickel-copper mineralization. One of the discovery holes returned three intervals within a 45.0-meter wide zone that averages 0.75% copper and 0.70% nickel from 120.6 to 165.6 meters.

-The discovery was made down-dip of a discovery made by Cominco (now Teck Cominco) in the 1970s, beyond the limits of Cominco's historic resource of 130,000 tons at 0.68% copper and 0.73% nickel. (NOTE: This estimate is non-compliant with NI 43-101 standards and should not be relied upon.)

-The property includes the Hollinger occurrence, drilled prior to 1975, which hosts a historic resource of 442,000 tons of 0.42% copper and 0.71% nickel. (This resource is also non-compliant with NI 43-101 disclosure standards.)

-LL08-05 intersected 0.88% Cu and 0.53% Ni over a drilled width of 22.80 meters (160.30 to 183.10 meters) including 1.0% Cu and 0.65% Ni over a drilled width of 11.20 meters (160.30 to 171.50 meters) and 1.92% Cu and 1.0% Ni over 2.70 meters (180.40 to 183.10 meters).

-LL08-13 intersected gold mineralization near the bottom of the hole and returned 6.37 g/t (grams per tonne) gold over a drilled width of 8.55 meters from 383.25 to 391.80 meters.

-Additional intercepts from Hole LL08-13 include: 6.17 g/t gold over 3.0 meters from 403.0 to 406.0 meters; and 10.39 g/t gold over 3.1 meters from 410.30 to 413.40 meters drilled width.

-Follow-up prospecting has led to a second gold discovery south of the Cominco Zone and about 400 meters southeast of the mineralized intercepts in drill hole LL08-13

-Two separate grab samples taken from an outcrop of granodiorite in this area have returned values of 8.98 g/t gold and 11.48 g/t gold.

Horwood Property - 75 km southwest of Timmins, Ont.

Minerals: Gold

For more information on the Horwood Gold property and to listen to a recent interview with Project Geologist, Peter Caldbick, PGeo, please click on the following link:

-Previous exploration programs had confirmed the presence of both gold and volcanogenic massive sulphide-style (VMS) mineralization at the wholly owned project. Previously reported grab samples from quartz veins within gabbros returned values of 17.30 g/t (grams per tonne) gold, 22.72 g/t gold and 19.68 g/t gold.

Recent trenching and stripping activities have exposed a series of narrow, parallel quartz veins hosted within a granodioritic pluton known as the Horwood Peninsula Pluton (HPP) proximal to a granodiorite mafic metavolcanic contact.

Ajax Property - Strathy: 5 km northwest of Temagami, Ont.

Minerals: Copper, Nickel, Gold, Silver and Platinum Group Metals (PGMs)

- Launched a 4,000-meter drilling program at the Ajax Property in early 2008

- Mine was revived in 1974 and produced 1.39 million pounds of nickel and 3.11 million pounds of copper along with by-product gold, silver and PGMs from 278,263 milled tons to 1976

-Remaining resources are estimated at more than 4 million tonnes at combined nickel copper grades ranging from 0.54% up to 1.42%. These historic estimates are non-compliant with NI 43-101 standards, should not be replied upon, and are provided only to indicate geological potential.

Last changed at 11-Nov-2010 10:54AM by AGORACOM

Management & Directors

  • Richard W Hughes

    President and Chief Executive Officer

    Mr. Richard Hughes has been involved in the discovery of some of the largest Canadian gold mines, including the Golden Giant/Hemlo mine, the Sleeping Giant Mines and the former Balmoral Mines. He brings a wealth of experience, geological and financial knowledge to build on his many successes. Mr. Hughes is the president of six mining exploration companies currently listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and serves on the boards of many other resource based companies in Canada. His proven track record and extensive experience in the management of public mineral exploration companies enables Amador Gold Corp to pursue potential world class projects.

  • Alan Campbell


    Over the past 25 years, since being Director of Golden Sceptre Resources, Alan Campbell has managed and financed several public mining companies in addition to private real estate companies. He has worked with several national mineral investment funds in the financing of mineral exploration companies. Previous to his involvement in the resource sector Mr. Campbell ran his own real estate financing and development company specializing in commercial properties on the Pacific coast of Canada and the United States

  • Lynn W. Evoy


    Lynn W. Evoy, a director of Amador Gold Corp. since July of 2000, has been involved with many companies on a variety of stock exchanges, serving as president, director and secretary since 1980. He is a pilot and was a Captain for Canadian Airlines, flying for over thirty three years until his retirement in 1999. He continues to work in the industry as a simulator trainer and in a number of other capacities. Mr. Evoy served in the past as director for Gold Chalice Resources and continues to be interested and involved in the investing and mining industry.

  • John Keating, P.Geo.


    John Keating has been active in the mining and resource industry in Canada for the past 30 years, an industry where he is known for his innovative approach to exploration. He is the president of Golden Chalice Resources and also plays a pivotal role in managing Amador Gold Corp. As President of Black Bull Resources from 2000 to 2004, he was pivotal in the successful development, financing and start up of the White Rock Mine in Nova Scotia. Prior to this time Mr. Keating was a senior commodity and policy analyst for the Department of Natural Resources federally where he developed and directed strategies advancing Canada's mining interests. He began his career as an exploration project manager for Noranda after graduating from Concordia University in the field of geology.

  • James M. McDonald, P.Geo.


    James M. McDonald is the CEO and Director of Kootenay Gold Inc., a highly successful Junior Mining Company in Canada. He co-founded and successfully developed Black Bull Resources, National Gold (merged with Alamos Gold) and White Knight Resources. Mr. McDonald also serves on the boards of Alamos Gold Inc and Genco Resources Ltd.

  • Dr. Joe Montgomery


    Dr. Joseph Montgomery Ph.D., P. Engineering, is President of Montgomery Consulting Ltd. and has worked in the mining industry for over 40 years. He is the author of numerous published geological papers and engineering reports. His clientele has included federal and provincial governments as well as several major mining companies.

Broker Fact Sheet

  • AGX Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
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Amador Gold
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