The 300 Club

Welcome To The 300 Club HUB On AGORACOM We may not make much money, but we sure have a lot of fun!

History has taught us two things.

1) Over many centuries we have seen the wealthy strive to maximize their ability to extract as much benefit from the labour of the common man as possible. Whether it was Egyptian slaves, Or Black American slaves, whether it was serfdom or the caste system their is abundance evidence to support the notion the wealthy are happy to gain a disproptionate benefit from the sweat of others.

2) History repeats itself

the latest Assault.

As social constructs developed allwoing the comman man to retain a greater portion of the benefit of their effort the wealthy have developed more insidious ways to surreptitiously gain a disproptionate benefit from the sweat of others.

Case in Point

Zero interest rate policy.


1) Banks borrow money at lower amount but do not lend at a correspondingly lower amount ... who benefits ... Bank owners (the wealthy)

2) People on fixed incomes no longer can find safe returns on their savings, so either re-enter the workforce, (more supply reduces labour cost ... who benefits the wealthy, who loses the common man).

3) people seek greater return on investment and take greater risks ... who benfits the wealthy ... fees, commissions, and overall better undertsanding of the markets means the winners are not the common man.

4) More borrowing, who benefits, the wealthy who lend.

The fractional reserve system

1) Banks have only to keep a small portion of the deposits of the common man available to repay. Banks can as a resuly generate credit and makemore money ... who benefits the wealthy.

2) If a bank fails; who pays, the taxpayers, and new legislation means the depositers bailrtheir deposits in as well .... Who profits the wealthy!

at whose expense ... the common man.

We have laws preventing the physically strong from taking from the physically weak, but if anything the current laws are increasing such that the economically strong can take further from the economically weak. A new form of slavery has arisen and it is called western economics.

Debt levels dictate that the current economic system is not only unviable, that the wealthy will benefit from the collapse.

Where are the outraged people ... busy on their mobile devices looking for pokemon.

Anyone thinking that mankind is moving forward are living in a dream world.

This said it best (warning graphic language and concepts presented)


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