The 300 Club

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in response to abstacey's message

"The history of mankind is that of a class struggle" ... the super rich have no interest in agreeing with policies that negate their ability to find the best schools, or the best plastic surgeons, or latest models of toys or consume the best foods and drink ... they are the the top 1%, the bourgeousie and they don't mind that the market is rigged and that everything is designed to maintain the staus quo ... when the proletariat is beaten down enough you have revolution.

This is pure Marxism ... and I have no disagreement with this article ... those who do not learn from history (even pre 1929 crash history) are destined to repeat it . Although some of the old money may be slightly hurt, the real victims are the post 1929 entreprenurial types who built wealth and worked hard becuase the system rewared hard work and innovation. Sadly that has stopped and with it the real assault will be on those people who like the mid upper class in the past were stomped by the other much larger group of the oppressed.

Why ... because Machiavelli has taught the Prince the end justifies the means and that most important is to take care of your arms so that any form of uprising against the Prince will be squashed ... need proof ... just look at the military budget which will be increased in order to suppress any internal strife caused by the class struggle.

I think most on this board do not view socialism or communism as the answer, nor do I ... they are Utopian concepts at best predicated on lack of self interest. Nonetheless, the class struggles upon which Marx and Engels wrote do exist and are being more easily identifed.

The USSR was not a Marxist state, at best it was state communism (that is everything done for the welfare of the state who had a ruling elite) but more likely fascist as the big machine existed to serve the politburo. The US is not a capitalist state any longer .. unquestionably it was more than any other before it ... but it what is left is nothing more than fascism.

BELIEVE Mr. Farrell ... but if you are in the 80th to 99th percentil don't believe you will not be the target well before that last 1% called the bourgeousie. They already have their majority of their wealth safely outside of the revolutionary zone.

After all who owns the little manufacturing sector left and in what condition is the majority of the factories ... PROTECT YOURSELF BY EXPECTING THE WORST ... anything less than the worst will be a pleasant surprise.


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