The 300 Club

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The American empire was truly unique. At no other time in history did a single empire have such a strong military and financial influence (the two go hand in hand).

Such was the power of a once great nation, who strayed from a non interventionist policy so far that to continue to afford to be the policeman of the fascist interest disguised as democracy (Ben Franklin called democracy as two wolves and one sheep voting) they moved away from the gold standard.

Such was their military might, financial strength, and moral authority, the world accepted unbacked paper (a simple promise) from the Federal Reserve (head of the fascist agenda).

This allowed the US to bankrupt the worlds only other real super power of the time USSR by outspending them on the technology to best destroy the world. (how much sense does that really make)

That allowed the fascist regime of the Fed to go into overdrive, investing and spending on anything that could produce more paper wealth. Meanwhile the most populated country in the world out produced the US, allowing them to beat the US at their own game ... "capitalism". During this period China not only produced goods, they built infrastructure so the could build more real wealth.

As unbelievable as it once may have seemed, demand for US goods which primarily was paper became secondary to real things produced throughout the world.

Without control over the reserve currency of the world this could never have happened and during this time, the US began losing its financial strength. The movement away from the non-interventionist military policy reduced the countries moral authority especially amongst countries no considered strong allies. The cost of this agenda further reduced the financial strength of the US who rather than facing reality of a collapsing financial system and immediate loss of reserve currency status mortgaged the future of its people to protect and defend the interests of the fascist agenda.

The fascist regime understood that the country would face a permanent reduction in the standard of living of American citizens, but also understood that through the control over the media, advance interpretation of the constitution, and the strength of the police state control over citizens of the US was assured.

What the fascist regime failed to understand that market forces are the most powerful forces in the world (representing the combined demand of all of humanity) and that a certain obligation existed with controlling the world's reserve currency.

Using it as a tool within a country about to be devastated by deflation from the sinking wealth they caused their citizens, they debased their currency, and that held in reserve in other countries throughout the world. They begged, cajoled, threatened other countries to change policies of having their own currency being pegged to the reserve currency, but offered no solutions to the reduced real wealth caused in so doing. (i.e. If China increased the paper yuans value by 20% compared to the paper dollar, immediately China would lose 20% of the value of the reserves they held)

The ultimate result, the richest country in the world has now caused as many have predicted what will undoubtedly feel like hyperinflation in commodities and especially food, specifically where an overwhelming amount of a consumers income is used for food.

How will this affect the citizens of the US ... nowhere near as bad financially as in other countries, but the collective policies of a fascist regime whether knowingly or unknowingly endorsed by its people will result in a society of people arguably the most detested in history.

If that doesn't scare its citizens to action, and it won't, they will ultimately have no choice but to be the indentured slaves of that fascist regime.


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