The 300 Club

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Why Gold!!!
over 14 years ago

simple ... because it is what it is ... not subjected to the vagaries of dishonest politicians and bankers (although the US has fed tried hard for several decades) who can pull the strings on the valuation of fiat currency (paper money), who can build up large debts requiring taxpayer bailouts, who can print money out of thin air.

It is simply a store of value whether it is cut or left pure for cosmetic purposes (jewelry) or held in blocks it represents a standard amount of labour which is becoming increasingly more difficult despite technology to locate and procure. No phoney miners or politcian can produce it without the same effort as somoene else.

The single most traded commodity is labour. The masses trade labour to the ruling class in exchange for earnings. We currently receive our earnings in paper with a value backed by the ability of a country to extract earnings from the masses to maintain the value of those earnings.

Originally our governments issued the quantity of fiat currency based upon the gold held by the government on behalf of the people ... the collective interest of the people were represented by an elected government who implemented polcies that were supposed to be in the interest of the masses.

When you no longer see a connection between government policies and the interest of all, or if you see t he policies are more consistent with the interest of special interests, you know something is wrong.

However, that in itself is not a reason to become extremely alarmed, BUT, when the government goes into debt so they can pay to support the policies not in the interest of the masses but rather the special interest we have a very significant problem.

The magnitude of that problem in the USA is enormous in that the current debt level of every man woman and child is over $240,000 and at that level of debt does not include the required money to pay for the rapidly growing (courtesy of the baby boomer's) obligation for social security and medicare.

Essentially the elderly who have throughout the generations been revered will be hung out to dry when the shet hets the fans.

There are those who say you can't eat gold, well the same is true of paper, but the question you must ask yourself will the paper or gold have greater value when the government defaults or prints more paper ad infinitum.

There are those who say you can counterfeit gold or shave it .. well you can counterfeit paper and shave it ad infinitum (by printing more with no greater ability to generate national wealth)

I am concerned for friends families and strangers and ask you to pass this along to your friends and loved ones as a warning.


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