zipadedoda's Profile

zipadedoda's Posts

Re: What if the JV sells off SC?

Ii think ppl believe just fell victim to a good salesman. when ppl call/write elmer for info the geologist hat comes off and the salesman hat comes on. but thats kinda normal stuff for small companies like cu fox. mgmt are salesman first just like most small companies on venture, part reason why venture is more risky

almost 8 years ago
Re: is this some kind of joke?

oh ok thx i see it now. I was looking at date on top right which said august 2016. I dont ever remember copperfox ever saying they had a goal to be producing metals by 2013 so thats why i thought this was a bogus article.

about 8 years ago
is this some kind of joke?

fifth paragraph. "However, the company’s goals remain: to advance Schaft Creek to production in an environmentally and socially progressive manner, and become a significant minerals producer by 2013."

about 8 years ago
Re: Infographic: The Looming Copper Supply Crunch

that article is dated 2015. but they will have a new article for 2016 cause these websites write articles about looming coppor shortages every single year. financial post said same thing in 2014

and more of the same in 2013

and in 2012

and in 2011

and so on

about 8 years ago
I'm officially out now. good luck to the rest of you.

sold my last shares today. after doing research for the past 3 weeks I made the decision to move the money i had left in CUU into a couple other plays that have strong balance sheets, nice projects moving forward and they pay a nice dividend that looks very safe. good luck to the rest of you still holding on here.

over 8 years ago
Re: I'm Still In - No, I Don't Know Why...

I am not trying to scare anybody. no worries there. I'm just pointing out that by actively trading cuu-buying dips selling blips like you say you are is contradictory to what u have said here in teh past about not selling any shares. and very contradictory to the way you respond when someone else sells their shares for whatever reason. it's fine if u take profits at end of the day to pay bills like u say, but if someone else does the same the selling gets labeled as nefarious manipulation.

over 8 years ago
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