zemaniak's Profile

zemaniak's Posts

make or break?

standing on the ledge at 0.98...

who's feeling bullish?

i'm torn about getting back in

ahh, decisions decisions

over 12 years ago
Re: We should move up nicely today !!

seriously, BIG pullback after not breaking the 1.20 threshold. So looks like the bottom of my short term target will be it, could now test the low 90s (or higher if it takes a few days to go lower) before (hopefully ) trending upwards again....

over 12 years ago
Re: Connacher's share price must stay higher for a prolonged period

my 2 cents, and this is a wide range i admit, is 1.15 to 1.55, albeitI believe thisis a short term goal

I thing I always look at his # of options and their strike price. In his case, 23M , which reps 5% of existing shares,is at strike price of 1.50$

NOw 5% is not a small nor a large #,and of course much depends on ownership of said options. But this could be a driver for SP to go beyong 1.50$ mid to long term

over 12 years ago
Re: technical weakness?

caveat: seems someone is supporting CLL by buying all offers at 76

so if you've got nerves of steel, maintain 50% and ride out both possibilities....

over 12 years ago
technical weakness?

noticed it yesterday, was on the fence

now seems more clear, CLL could see a pullback, first to 60, then to 50 within the next few weeks. then expect new rumours to bring it back to 1$ or maybe more

Looks like people want to make $ on this sucker on volatility

just my 2 cents. I could be wrong though...

over 12 years ago
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