zakaran's Profile

zakaran's Posts

Re: stock is moving up,

yep definitely in this camp, north of $10 will get me excited, help recoup some of my losses

until then very muted interest/hope,


about 8 years ago
stock is moving up,

any news to support this jump? Thanks,


about 8 years ago
50% retracement in sp...

no surprise, the BS with this company SP performance is legendary!

Zak, venting again.

over 8 years ago
Re: 5/3/16 AUMN announces $4 million direct offering via Rodman/Renshaw

The track record of ECU/AUM is an abomination and has rendered the value of my shares to

penny status, I am sure I am not alone!!

It still astounds me that they are in business, how is this possible given over a decade plus of disasterous decisions and no profit?

Everytime a glimmer of hope surfaces the rug is pulled out from us.

m/b this company emdodies that old cliche 'a mine is nothing but a hole in the ground with a liar on top'!

anyway enough whining, so i've been told and will retreat to lurking.

cheers Zak

over 8 years ago
Re: Share Price

always a positive to see an uptick, however depends on your time line, for me 99% sp obllteration to 96% improvement not gonna get the heart pumping ...yet. Can a sustained

rally really resurect interest in AUM, lets see?


over 8 years ago
Re: Golden Minerals Provides Update

my personal opinion, beyond bleak, is based on pure emotion which I know is not a sound investment strategy, have been caught up in the hype of this company from several years ago, was in complete denial that this was failing miserably and the SP speaks for itself. I do not expect this company to survive.

However, there are others here that post with a deeper understanding of mining companies/precious metal trends etc and are of a different opinion that keep hope fires burning albeit only a faint ember from my vantage point.


almost 9 years ago
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