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y's Posts

Re: Fisker and Graphene

Liar liar , pants on fire !

almost 8 years ago
Re: just some clarifications to keep the discussions evidence-based

So what is your point ? We are speculators looking for the highest potential return from the most under valued asset ?

almost 9 years ago
99.99 on bench scale testing at SGS any one else see this Dec 13 2013 .

http://www.zenyatta.ca/article/press-release--1320.asp about 3/4 down the link last sentence in the paragraph .

Big $ will be tripping over ZEN to get this stuff . lol

almost 9 years ago
What is cheap steak doing ?

Must be getting nervous .

almost 9 years ago
Re: What is AE doing?

What if there were discussions of a sale and he was not sure of the timming . Rather than risk losing the extra 25 thous shares he sold and bought .

Good rule of thumb if you do not see an " unless " after a statement of this nature to indicate other possibilities you can be certain the poster is either with out experience or he has an agenda .

almost 9 years ago
Re: The end of the gasoline and oil automobile: Stanford U.

Peter tks for bring that video .

Cheers !

almost 9 years ago
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