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Lost for tax


Hope someone can help me on this one. I filled my TFSA with SLI and will not sell those one but i baught some more in my non-registed account when we were at 2.80$. now as it seam we will not see the SP going up before the end of the year and i would like to sell what i have in my non-registed account to get a lost for my taxes. As i understand i have to wait 30 days before buying back but how will a be able to show the tax men my lost for this year? Will the bank send me something?

Thanks for the answer.


almost 12 years ago
Question about AGM.

Good day fellow investors,

As i'm in Afghanistan and the mail couldnt reach Canada in time for me to vote on the AGM points, i'm just curious as how it will be uses, i'm in full confidence with management and would have agreed with the requests anyway. i'm pretty new in investment world but i did my DD and IMO see that i can't really loose, and oh well i put money that i can loose! I would have an other question since i started to buy i always got all the share i was asking for until yesterday, my order was fill exept for four!!! Just curious as why this happen even though the price went below the price i wanted to buy and will i be charge an other full fee for the 4 left to buy?

Thanks and STAY LONG SLI


almost 13 years ago
Re: 1,000,000 Shares

Hum, guess it could be more than 50$ penality. Will wait two more month than :)

almost 13 years ago
Re: 1,000,000 Shares

I know im like Funion, won't wait. For 50$ penality per month i dont take the chance to see the SP going up i gone go over too by mid november :)


almost 13 years ago
Re: dispersal

Thanks evrebody, i agree what a wonderfull thing!!

almost 13 years ago
Re: 1,000,000 Shares

Talking about TFSA, if we get a one dividend payment would it come by mail or in the TFSA account and if come by mail anybody knows if will we have to pay tax?

about 13 years ago
cold lake
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