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Re: News ..spiny

This is exactly what you were talking about this morning! They just cut our investment in half and gave themselves a huge raise. Damn well better get that mill up to speed so they can help us investors out with a share buyback while they're drilling.

over 12 years ago
Re: New day.

Well said sinbob!

over 12 years ago
Re: Scare talk...XMAN

Understand that we need the future and I don't believe that PQ is going to let this thing die. That's the best thing we have going for us. I can't disagree with the success on the operational side. The strategy is sound...just adding up the numbers...

Looks like my 2 million shares are now worth about half their value but the Company officers values have gone up 10 to 20 times during the same period. Hmmm...

Yea they're doing the work but their rewards seem to far exceed the value.

There's a difference between operational success and profit as a shareholder. That's what I'm wondering about. The buyout is going to happen but how much will I gain from it. Do I have to double down? I'm running out of powder.

over 12 years ago
Re: GHDC vs. SFMI...Macod


I don't think Macod is a doubt planter and I think he makes a very valid point about keeping up with the dilution. Can you refute what he says on an intellectual level instead? I'm trying to understand what is going on with SFMI, the decreasing share price, the high dilution and who is the beneficiary of share dilution, and I think he may be correct in his assessment. The Company officers are clearly not being hurt by this share explosion.

Trying to make sense of how PQ is positioning SFMI for the buyout and how it going to affect the shareholders. Clearly the buying public is not sold on what SFMI is doing right now.

over 12 years ago
Re: Dilution Factor--buyout

Gold in the ground is usually valued at about 10-15% of the resourse depending on a number of factors such as location and ease of extraction.

All of this waiting and guessing is depressing...PQ is good at keeping his bread and butter in the dark and it is killing him in terms of the shareprice. It reflects poorly on this management team and leads us to wonder, what are they hiding...(not that they are)

Too many questions remain unanswered for an advance in PPS. Look for lower in the short term as investors want steak and not doggy scraps.

over 12 years ago
Re: Here you go ANTON


I don't think that I've been a shareholder as long as you have Anton, so I may not have all of the info that you are privy to. Either way, I'm having a hard time following your logic and discussion. Can you please present it in a logical, step by step fashion? I'm having a tough time keeping up with all the rambling and assumptions. Can you start by answering a few questions for the benefit of us newer-comers?

How do you know that only NV/Bissel tailings are being processed?

Where is the proof of the 100% ownership claims by NV/Bissel that you state?

Can you show us the facts about a Delaware Corp and share buybacks?

These are only a few of the statements that you make with no substantive backing. Since you feel so strongly, then show us the facts and present them in a way we can follow your arguments. We're all ears but we can't answer your questions if we don't follow your thread.


over 12 years ago
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