wrgunacstuf's Profile

wrgunacstuf's Posts


Got my control numbers. 65,000 shares not voted and even then one set of numbers still not here. I hesitate to ask what I should do with these, so I won't. For our info file this 30 March 2014.

over 10 years ago
Re: interesting

We are having no problems here either. Maybe his computer software lights up on anything that is true and good!

over 10 years ago
Re: SLI investors dreams, well based

Thank you Mr Stewie for that response! I salute you Sir!

almost 11 years ago
So it is now or never, is your team ready.

That is your question? The answer is yes. The silent majority will bite down when needed. Couple more shakes and the "thing" will be dispatched properly. We are here and we will finish this if not for the money, then for the principle. Take over the company we will my friend and for those that think they can not go to jail, "Watch your fingers."

about 11 years ago
sliforever not

Here I go, breaking my own rules again. (Do not feed the trolls.) Ever once in awhile I am standing in the wrong place and I get poked with that stir stick.

You, (sliforwhat), really are a piece of work! You are either seriously intellectually challenged or very, very, smart as in the proverbial fox. I prefer to believe the latter.

"I just wanted to know if the $30k currently raised and the additional raising of funds is for future use or to pay bills already outstanding." This is planting the seed of doubt in those that read this again and again. Why else ask the question? This has been answered already which you did acknowledged. "I understand why the money is being raised."

And you just got me to repeat that statement!! Well done.

"Ring leaders", really? Interesting connotation. This is a Hub not a ring however we do understand why you used the word ring, which, because I have said you are very smart then you already know, sooo why use it? Hmmmm!

I would ask that you find something meaningful in your life and devote all this energy to that end and leave us alone. We are doing just fine thank you. Bye.

Ah, that feels better.

Will post again next year. My $500.00 is in the controllers hands and can be used for whatever they see fit so that we my ultimately see what is truly in the ground under our Peruvian properties.

over 11 years ago
What the

Where have some of you people been????? For a number of years you have watched your company go down hill. So lets carry on and do more of the same? What the.... The blame does not belong to you and I, it belongs to management! Leave them alone to get back to work? And now you "can't wait" to make money? And now some individual who has posted a total of for times comes on here and maintains that one person runs this board and has insider information!! Get lost you losers. 91% of the shares of shareholders of this company have already decided what is going to happen and we do not need you here "discussing the hypotheticals" so you can feel all warm and fuzzy and promote whatever agenda you have. We know what is wrong, we know how to fix it, and we will fix it! It is very simple which you should be able to relate to. My apologies to the SLI Family for my outburst. That apology does not extend to those that have not taken the time to read and understand the years of information available to all. Ahhhhhhhhhggggg. It is like yelling at children, it does not do much but it makes a person feel better. I will post again next month. Bye

over 11 years ago
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