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wookie's Posts

Re: Venezuela considers prohibiting bottle feeding for infants

"We want to increase the love (between mother and child) because this has been lost as a result of these transnational companies selling formula," Monzon said on state television on Thursday....

Next, it's the cows because they're spys feeding information to their relitives outside Venezuela who pass on the information to those scheming transnational companies who milk them. Next they'll be blaming it on the "Bush" administration.

What a corny excuse to keep from saying that the "Revolution" is failing and can no longer afford to feed the babies of its supporters because the politicians are selling the milk on the black market in order to line their own pockets. Nationalize it or forbid it, make it hard to get and then sell it on the black market at higher prices to make personal profits. What do you think baby formula will go for when this all comes down?

Just an opinion. Wookie

over 11 years ago
Re: Rusoro announces delay..Civi

no_bear... as always, I for one appreciate your continued frankness and optimism.

over 11 years ago
Re: keep comin back!

Yes, the comment does envoke a bit of laughter from some of us old folks (KRY Time).

Nice post, but did you ever think $0.12 would be such a positive feeling? Wow... time is, in fact, a funny concept when applied to reality. Been in since 98', and my friend left me couple years later. Wookie... a very loving Chow and my best friend. I regestered him as ChowBoka when he was little.

Do you remember Mork and Mendy and one of Mork's favorite sayings? "Reality! What a concept?"

I do. And after all of these years, I finally found a place where it really does fit.


about 12 years ago
Re: settlement

I knew there was statement I heard while listening to the meeting. Thanks for the prompt. My point was though, VZ's actions have cost the company in legal fees etc. and I hope there is some wording that may cover some costs for recovery of such expenses. Regardless... like you, I'm here to see this to the end, though in a bit higher than you. It's an event that reached its high point some time ago but is still in motion, so I figure, why quit before it reaches its final end?

In since late 90's.



over 12 years ago

On top of all that has been discussed about settlement awards... nobody has mentioned the cost of "arbitration" and the financial commitments we are now witnessing and their possible consideration as "expenses VZ has caused the company to incur to enforce their binding contract with VZ".

Maybe that's why Fung mentioned (at an annual meeting or some shareholder gathering, a few years back) 2 Bil as the bare bone value, as calculated by him on the back of a "match book", as I remember.

As always... just my thoughts, though it has been a while since I've voiced them.


over 12 years ago
Re: A little late....Conoco case..17 months after final hearing..


Once again you bring the conversation back to reality.

Thanks for your comments.


almost 13 years ago
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