wiseguy279's Profile

wiseguy279's Posts

Re: The real question is:

Did Elmer go to Mexico for his holiday?? Maybe stayed at an EE resort? Time will tell, have faith because there is nothing else

Elmer did not go to Mexico for his holidays. He went to the Southern Carribean. I asked if EE ever invited him to any of his resorts in Mexico. He said no to this.

Elmer and EE have a business relationship. Elmer once told me that EE can be stern at times but he is very fair. ES has most repect for Ernesto and enjoy working together with him.

IMO......I feel that there could have been a disagreement or two in the past between them, but nothing even close to jepordizing the relationship what-so-ever.

Sorry for the poor grammar today....I haven't slept in 10 days if you know what I mean.

Take care.

over 11 years ago
What Elmer would say.......

Everyone is out of blackout on Monday morning. Elmer will personally be in office till noon. After being blacked out for almost a year, I believe all those saved pay checks will get some action imo.

So right now we wait to see what Teck wants to do. Elmer believes that if they accept, it will be for 100%. But, the price has to be fair.

When the BFS first came out Friday and some of the nervous nellies began to post,……wow……Thank God we went into the weekend to learn more. Our Capex is lower than other projects. Sure there was a increase in operating costs, but that’s specifically to the mining industry at large. Some other key points that make our project first class:

- we have a very conservative mine plan

- expansion has already been built in this and we’ve incurred the capital costs how to do that.

- tremendous upside and potential to increase the size of the resource in Shaft Creek and certainly in the “District”

- the 171 m. tonnes of Inferred resources in the pit can be upgraded to Indicated and then instead of being an expense that generates revenue, that would be probably about 800m pounds of recoverable copper alone. At $3.25, do the math, you get 2.5 billion in copper value not including Gold, Silver or Moly.

- we should be able to increase the throughput.

- we could shorten the development period of time which would help significantly on the end value of the project.

- we have no problems with the outlet because we already have a port in place to ship our concentrate.

- we are #3 on the powerline

- we are in a geo-political stable area

- we have a great relationship with the Tahltans

Many of us retail investors don’t know how the copper business works. All the points I just listed are of importance to Teck or any other company looking to buy a project. Our main audience right now is Teck and those other major companies, not those emotional average retail investors who will dictate the share price because the numbers were not to their liking. The SMART MONEY will buy up those shares because they understand how this business works. We have a very attractive project here guys.

This project will make about 7.5 billion cash after you de-risk the project and get your money back.. Just think when the price of Copper, Gold, Silver and Moly eventually go up what more profit they’ll make???

Another key point is that some really don’t understand how important the Liard shares are. They are very valuable to Teck. Sometime, at the beginning of January or so, CUU will give the BFS to Teck along with a letter of request for transferring the Liard shares to us.

Teck has spent a lot of time looking at the project and they are very serious about it.

over 11 years ago
Talked to Elmer.........

Had a long talk with Elmer. I'm still at work and cannot fully post just yet.......Stay tuned

Bottom line........Elmer is happy and has no worries.

PS......For the first time in a year, everyone will be out of blackout come Monday morning.

Ok...back to work or i'll be fired.....lol....when the halt came this morning, I was going to tell boss screw it. I'm gone. Thank God I didn't...lol

almost 12 years ago
The vacation.....

Ok to clarify........

I spoke to Elmer on more than 1 occasion about him leaving for vacation end of Dec till Jan 3, 2013. He had this trip booked months ago. I will not say where he's going, but it's warm and sunny...lol

He has not looked to cancel or reschedule whatsoever. Elmer is hoping that everything (BFS)will be "out and announced" before then.

Obviously, (like us) Elmer anticipated the BFS would have been out along time ago. Yes, this trip is now going to be "cutting" it close. Let's hope for a mid-December release so maybe we can take our angry, mad, concerned wives on vacation too.

almost 12 years ago
Re: Elmer's moonlighting

I'm going to throw in my 2 cents here.

Yes seems like Elmer has more time on his hands recently. He is like us and just waiting for the BFS to be completed. He is anxious just as much as you and I. We eagerly await TT's final signatures. Until then, why imprison himself in Calgary. It's nice that he's going to Arizona and CIM etc. meeting with important contacts.

The only thing that ties Elmers hands up is the blackout. He can't buy, sell, or even exercise options etc.. He feels like a prisoner in his own company due to the blackout and such. He has alot of time and money invested in CUU. He will not let this deal go cheap.

Patience...lol...I know "stop saying that"......It will come. Elmer will make us shareholders alot of money one day.....Then some of you guys can continue talking about your cars, Vegas trips, houses etc. once again...lol

almost 12 years ago
Update #2

Elmer is on his way to Arizona this evening. He will be there for 2 days.

He's pretty much going there to do a meet and greet. Have handshakes with mayor, locals, clubs etc.. No official work on the property this trip (Sambrero Butte).

Imo.....2013 is when work on the Arizona properties heat up. Elmer is pleased with results from a company just north of Sambrero Butte.(Red Hawk). He sees big potential with our property.

OK....with Elmer going to Arizona, I don't want to speculate on the condition of the BFS. Most of us would believe it could be over then. Imo, I believe it could be done when he gets back Wednesday night. But again, we have said this over and over before.

Good luck to all !!!!

almost 12 years ago
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