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Mu51kfr34k89, Frank, Sasha & Company!

Lol! Mu51kfr34k89, You know better than anyone who you are. Please dont try to blame me,

blame the dissident, blame the market, blame the . . . world except blame the management.

Our captain is SOLELY responsible for the hardship that this ship is facing now. The confidence

of the shareholder was badly damage SOLELY due to the remain silentness of the company.

Hope without an action plan is still just a hope. By pretending not seeing the problem can only

make the problem getting worse. By acting as an ostrich cannot make the problem disappear.

The company need to present a clear direction on how this company would proceed in the

coming days and must do it NOW. The longer it wait, the more unease of the remaining

shareholder would become. According to the burn rate, the company would run out of money

in less than a year time unless you guy can work as a volunteer!

about 11 years ago
Mu51kfr34k89, Frank & Company!

Here come another alias from our CEO! Please dont waste your time in here to defend

yourself or your boss. You should focus your energy instead to fixed the many problem that

are existing in the company. It is VERY ARROGANT for a company to tell their shareholder,

who is part of the owner, to shut up or get lost! By the way, I believed many of us here

would be gladly to exit if not for such a lowly price in which it is cause by, who else? I have

no intention to deface the president. In fact, I owned over 1 million share. If there is one

word that I wrote earlier is not true, please point it out and state so! But just to tell us to

keep hoping wont restore the confidence of the shareholder. When the company can

present a workable plan and the ship start sailing again, I will be the number one

cheerleader in here for our management. But until then, I will keep whining!

about 11 years ago

There is NOTHING for Frank Candido to be congratulate about. He is the one who brought

such a misery to the company. GNH had start to sink since September of 2010. It is MUCH

MUCH EARLIER than the overall mining market had start to hit the snag. The price had drop

97%, it is MUCH MUCH WORSE than the overall mining market. It is the way that

continuously mishandling the drilling report and still is that hurt the most. By not thinking

negative would not make the negative go away. This annual meeting come and go, but the

management remain silent on what is the future plan for the company or there are not any

plan, MAYBE? With a salary of over 90000 dollar, our president is certainly being overpaid

and underperform for doing NOTHING! If we, the shareholder, dont demand the

performance from the management, then no one would do it for us.

about 11 years ago

Frank Candido need to announce on whatever plan he got to save this company and must

do it NOW. A hugh selling pressure is building on the market. Unless there is a dramatic

great news to be announce in this coming annual meeting on June 20. This stock can sink

into oblivion. This may end up to be our final annual meeting to be held! To be honest, we,

the shareholder, are partly to be blame by being an ostrich and following him blindly. We

are looking the excuse for him to used by passing the blame to the market and even to

ourselves. Although the malaise of the market is partly to be blamed, but this company has

one of the WORST perfomance in the mining industry within this past 2 year. Why? It Is the

handling of the drilling result incompetently that damage the most. By continuously keeping

mum, stay low and hope for a miracle only bring more doubt to the remaining hareholder!

over 11 years ago
Re: volumes are great - am I the only one seeing this?

Yes, great volume, but it is great volume selling into the bid. Bad sign. People are abandon

this ship. What we urgently need now is great news to stop this ship from sinking further.

Yes, it is hurting as a shareholder to point out the problem that existed in the company. But

by avoiding to look at the problem doesnt make the problem go away. It can only empower a

false sense of righteous upon the management. The proposal that brought up by the

dissenting shareholder may not be perfect. But at the current price of 3 cent and still dripping,

we really have nothing to lose by supporting the change. Just my 3 cent opinion.

over 11 years ago
Just exactly what did Frank Candido doing everyday in his office?

The drill had stopped since last December. Since then, the company had been sitting duck

with no plan on hand to survive beyond 2013. Even with the 50% reduction on the salary,

the company would still burn out all of its cash by next year. By passing the blame of

dismal performance of the company to the malaise of the market and a dissent shareholder

is not a solution. By hiding the head under the sand and do nothing is also not a solution.

In this kind of economic, With a salary of over ninety thousand even after accounted the

reduction, we, the shareholder, expect a top notch performance, not an INACTION!

over 11 years ago
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