whoknows's Profile

whoknows's Posts

Re: where are the updates from mgmt

Finally received my proxy materials today. Site is currently down so I'll vote 300,000 NOs when I can.

Received a call last week asking if I had received my materials yet and which way I planned to vote. When I said I would be voting NO, they tried to convince me to vote YES and when I wasn't having any of it, the line just went dead.

That's the first time I've had anyone phone to pursuade me on a proxy vote.

over 9 years ago

Anyone received proxy materials yet? 2 weeks to the vote.

over 9 years ago
Re: Dissenting shareholders can contact me at

I have looked into the process of having my shares Registered vs. being a Beneficial Owner giving me the right (if I so choose) to exercise Dissenting or Appraisal rights. I have been told that my holdings within registered accounts (RRSP etc.) cannot be registered to my name without de-registering the account. Say that three times fast. De-registering would trigger taxation on any holdings within that account (most of my holdings) so it appears my options are limited.

I can vote against the sale by instructing my institution to do so but cannot exercise appraisal rights. Please feel free to add your input if I have been given incorrect information from my institution.

I am leaning towards voting NO out of principal but I see little else I can do.

From reading up on Dissenting and Appraisal rights I came upon a few case studies of Deer Energy. Here is one write-up from Torys LLP that discusses the increase in use in US cases but the lack of success in Canada. In the case of Deer Energy (Alberta courts), after 2 years of litigation the court decided that the market was the best at determining fair value and as such did not award an increase in share price to the dissenting shareholders.


This is new territory for me so please correct me if I am wrong on anything above. Would be nice to have more options at my disposal.

over 9 years ago
Potash Price Outlook


Found this amongst all the trash on Stockhouse and decided to share on this board.

over 9 years ago
Re: Opinions

Marcoll, as it is traded in US dollars and the CDN dollar broke below $0.80 US our close of $0.305 CDN is worth about $0.24 US. The rest is rounding error and inefficiency in the market I expect.

Hope that helps.

over 9 years ago
Re: For those who attended

Will do. Been long for nearly 5 years and steadily longer over the years. Don't tend to comment much but check in fairly regularly.

over 9 years ago
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