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It's time

Although this debacle has been written off 3 years ago, I can only guess that those whose pp money he took last, should be talking to their counsel. Understanding, to a limited extent, the rules of the Exchange, MF (hmmm... two meanings here) may be limited in what he can say. The reality is that because the company is suspended, and therefore likely has no standing with the Exchange, MF could actually tell the truth, if he even knows that that is now.

I have, for the last couple of years, been of the opinion that everything - Libya, Africa, and everything else, has been conversation only, and conversation without merit. The Exchange demanded proof and he couldn't provide it. In my opinion, if the Exchange wanted to set an example, I would guess they could showcase this company and eventually send the perpetrators to jail.

I think too, that the law firm representing the Company in the PP may have some liability as well, and I urge those latest charitable donors to pursue that avenue. I may do that too.

Haven't heard from Roy Rogers for quite a while. Hope his health is ok.

And yes,

Whattamaroon am I !!

about 13 years ago
Re: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

hmmm - I've got him on at least one of the issues mentioned. Quite frankly, it's not worth my time.

Here is the way this will play out. Because of the civil strife in Libya today, it will become too much of an investment risk and there is no money available. There will not be an mention of the non-existent contracts (if they were real, this stock would have beenn soaring long ago, even with MF's ineptitude), and there will not be any mention of anything else. Then the company will be wound up and the loss will be blamed solely on political unrest. The end

I put a lot of money into this deal and...

whattamaroon am I

over 13 years ago
Re: Why would they do this???

I would think that a public company would be required to disclose that a financial consultant to whom they ostensibly paid money, or with whom they had a contract (even without paying money) would be required to issue some kind of news release if said company fell into what we, in Canada and the USA, would call a bankruptcy or conservatorship.

Oops, I forgot something. WWF is not a public company... anywhere. I guess the joke is....

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still on us !!

Yup, Whattamaroon am I

over 13 years ago
Once again

The Swift 760 is only a guarantee. IT IS NOT CASH. Do you not understand. It is not cash. Oh, and just in case, you missed it, the 760 is NOT cash. You people in this forum are hilarious. But then again,

whattamaroon am I

almost 14 years ago
Not So Fast - Read and Heed

This is not money that is coming in. Read the email. MF is expecting a Swift 760. That is a guarantee. That is NOT cash.

Now he needs to go out and find a bank that will put up money against the guarantee. Do you know how long it will take a local bank to do their due diligence and go to committee to decide if they will lend money to MF even with the Swift 760? I sure don't.

I've seen banks refuse to lend against a clean irrevocable letter of credit.

I have written off this debacle already. If it trades again, I'll be pleasantly surprised. But don't get excited until MF actually has cash in the bank... and that could take a loooong time in this current economic landscape.

And having given the caution, because no one seems to know what a Swift 760 actually is, I would like MF to pull this one off so I can take the wallpaper off my wall and let someone else have it.

Whattamaroon ....am I.

almost 14 years ago


more of the same..

Whattamaroon I was

almost 14 years ago
George Town
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