wanttoretireearly's Profile

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Strategic release of news - good vs. bad

You do not release bad news at the start of the week and you do not release good news at the end of the week.

History shows that good news are being released on tuesday, wednesday and thursday.

Bad news are mostly released on friday (after close).

At least that's what I have observed for the past few decades but of coures there are few exeptions.

With yesterdays release and its content I will take this as a great news but time will tell.

It's great to see PoET with top companies http://woodsidecap.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/2016-Photonics-Report-Approved-for-release1.pdf thanks disco68.

Also thanks to Shash for reporting from far east http://agoracom.com/ir/POETTechnologies/forums/discussion/topics/680593-and-the-rest-of-the-story/messages/2130205#message

Coincidence? I do not think so.




over 7 years ago
Re: NASA.....Old Timers

it was not a german or russian blogger, it was actually mentioned in one of those documents F... someting for USA people ... at least that's what I remember

over 7 years ago
Simon says

November 2, 2016 CEO says: Also in support of our efforts to prudently manage financial resources, we are implementing cost reduction measures, including a temporary decrease in salaries of all POET executives in the U.S.

How much of the paycut do you think it will be? 5% or 10% each exec.? I do not know but why not a buyback? Instead of paycuts they should buy PTK shares on the open market.

One way or the other, you would be putting money back into the company but buyback looks way better for the shareholder value and overall shows confidence in future of the company.

almost 8 years ago
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