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wally2shu's Posts

Re: Perception

Sculpin you are repeating historical norms. This is the way the world has been since Adam and Eve. HUMAN GREED !! HOW DO YOU PROPOSE TO CHANGE HUMAN NATURE ? It's always been David against Goliath. There is nothing new about these situations, only repeats with different details. Point to a period in history after Genesis with no corruption and I'll buy you supper !!!

about 11 years ago

" Chair of the meeting, who must act with independence ", a phrase used in the nr. Let's see - Lori was the chair of that meeting - where is the independence in that entire meeting when you have the ceo and director as chairperson ? Get your head out of your backside irwinfast

over 11 years ago
Enlighten us

Irwinfast please enlighten us - what is the breakdown of the money spent on travel ? You sound as though you are privy to this info

over 11 years ago
Legal technicality

No one yet has put into words what reason Lori used to dismiss the green proxy. Is that because no one knows or is it some other reason ? If someone knows the exact wording of her statement , would you please share it with the rest of us ?

over 11 years ago

It might be helpful to SLI shareholders to have access to an updated record of costs related to the proxy battle to date - doesn't have to be meticulously documented, but enough info to keep a decently accurate running tally of costs so far - I think that most of us have little idea of actual costs associated with court fees, legal fees, etc. This may serve at least a two fold purpose - (1) answering skepticism and (2) informing those who genuinely want to donate but are not willing to give without a little more info being made available to them. Asking people to blindly give is akin to door to door or phone sales pitches - any ordinary person is not going to fork over money without some accountability. I'm not insinuating that sort of info is being deliberately witheld, but neither have I seen any of those particulars posted anywhere. Yes, the money is necessary to go forward, but of equal importance is info to reassure those donating that their money is going toward specific actions. This is a situation that requires prompt and proper attention if we hope to be successful !!

over 11 years ago
Hard to tell

Good posting Hyrks, hard to tell what category SLI falls into, especially when we don't know for sure what's left in the kitty.

over 11 years ago
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