walkerboss's Profile

walkerboss's Posts

Re: NR

Not to hard to see through you bunt. You're about as transparent as they come. So nobody waste their time responding to him. He'll be like the rest of them, post after post how he believed in the greens then got let down. It's too predictable.

Have a good day.


almost 11 years ago
Re: Current update on donations

I'm up to $1000.oo


over 11 years ago
All in

My group has all voted without a hitch. 11 GREEN votes.


almost 12 years ago
Re: Let's REALLY dig deep and discuss what constitutes an Off-topic post...

Keep it going Sculp. I have learned more from you and Hog in the past year about the inner workings of the stock market and dark side of it than I have in my life. I think it is stuff that every so called investor should be aware of, especially in the small cap market.

Thank you, Walkerboss

about 12 years ago
Re: AGM is coming soon and share price is still $.20

On Feb. 3 (conference call) Lori basically said there wouldn't be anything to talk about for seven months and to get a hobby. You got to admit that she's kept up her end of that deal so far.


about 12 years ago
Re: Inversion Artifact

T24 Tesoro

Are you any relation to Primed24 by chance.

over 12 years ago
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