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Old timers

Well, I check in every few months, and I still see so many of the old faces. I just want to say that I hope you all become trillionaires. Hope this message finds all of you happy and in good health.

Fortes fortuna adiuvat!

almost 12 years ago
Re: Anybody hear from Pam?

I haven't been following her, but maybe she was in the same boat as me - the last of the options I held expired on the 15th . . .

over 14 years ago
Re: Insider options granted in June

CJR - This storybook hasn't reached that final chapter where the protagonists ride off into the sunset of El Dorado. I knew and accepted the risks each time I bought. I have few regrets and I've learned quite a bit (mostly about exercising restraint!)

Things are great with me - most of my work comes from the state, so until New Jersey goes bankrupt (which shouldn't happen for another year or two), I'm good. . .

Yeah, I'm thinking with this economic climate Eli Lilly's making a mint on Prozac sales!!

Now, though I'm looking for a reason to jump back into this thing with both feet . . . feeling the itch, but looking for clues.

almost 15 years ago
Re: Insider options granted in June

And same to you. You and CJR were two of the people who really gave me info and insight on KRY when I first got involved those many years ago. Thanks!!

Hope we all get real rich real quick . . .

almost 15 years ago
Re: Insider options granted in June

Everything's great. I stop in from time to time to read up on developments. My holdings are limited to several hundred worthless option contracts (all others having expired) and a few thousand shares... so I don't put too much time into keeping track of everything like I used to.

The recent activity stirs my interest though - I'm considering getting back in - but $50k in lost money still smarts...

almost 15 years ago
Re: Insider options granted in June

How'd you get my picture????

almost 15 years ago
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