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Re: Prototype by the end of this year - tech Question

So here is a tech question. Being an integrated circuit on the same chip don't they need an epitaxy recipe that optimizes all three devices (detector, transistor and VCSEL)? And although they are currently attempting to optimize the VCSEL they must do so without degrading the other two? Further, although the detector -standalone- was 20X better than anything currently on market it may be less (or more) once integrated with other devices?

thx in advance

about 8 years ago
Re: would you agree that the former CEO was somewhat less than honest

As posted earlier, what Peter said and promised is moot and frankly irrelevant now. No doubt he was telling the truth at the time although timings were frequently off) but things have changed. Nevertheless, new management comes with new vision and plan of execution. Rightfully so because they are now in the drivers seat but it is a matter of how much of a divergance there would be from the original plan. Recent (non) events would suggest course correction is more than just minor. There are, however, indicators (Peter through CC) that old management is enthrawled by the new course.

As I said earlier, what I now have my eyes on is the first "promise" of the new management and their ability to uphold - with the recent news release we have the first promise - let's see if they can deliver.

about 9 years ago
Re: I am happy now

Is what PC said even relevant anymore. With Dr. Venkatesan at the helm, it is a whole new ball game. In as much as POET had set a certain course it was likely - and rightfully - amended to reflect the vision of the new leadership even if it means further delay. CEOs not only wear the glory but equally should be prepared to bear the weight of failure but only if it was their plan to begin with.

Let us keep in mind that Dr. Venkatesan has yet to make any official announcements about the progress or status of POET. No doubt he is aware of what has been "promised" but for the moment and for reasons not disclosed the decision is to remain silent.

about 9 years ago
Re: Shandlar on reddit - Poet with TSMC and sales?

Notwithstanding, the validity of the information from Shandler for argument sake let us assume it is valid. Previous discussions were that POET was likely to initiate sales with low hanging fruit: optical components or memory devices (if I remember correctly). Shandler, however, proposes switches are already being sold to mobile market with a ramping up coming by year's end - is this good/bad/ a surprise? Excuse my lack of expertice but what is the market for switches and how big is it. Recent share price speculation pointed out that in theory a 1% share of the market could propel the SP handsomely. What is 1%of the switch market worth?

Thanks in advance.

about 9 years ago
Re: Why POET Exec non pulsed

I agree. I recall that in the post script of the last AGM one of the POET execs said to one of Agoracom attendees - as a side bar - "your going to be a very rich man." Cannot remember who post that comment.

over 9 years ago
Re: I guess we all should agree on this point?

Could it be that POET should not have mentioned TB's name or hinted at any connection to Apple? Now they being overly secretive and defensive ànd what better way than saying nothing at all.

over 9 years ago
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