vanchester's Profile

vanchester's Posts

Unanswered question

It has been about a week since I posted a question to AGORACOM but have yet to receive an answer. Can AGORACOM explain why the question was not answered or can I expect an answer soon?


about 13 years ago
Hub leaders and link library

Over the past few weeks I have noticed that the hub leaders keep changing from 3 to none to one as well as the link library completely being removed from this hub. Can you give the people involved in this hub an update on what has happened of late?


about 13 years ago
Re: Are you there Whaler?

now the hub is showing Whaler is back as a hub leader....what gives? library still void....


about 13 years ago
Re: Are you there Whaler?


It's been a few days since I asked that question yet Whaler is silent. There are also a few other outstanding questions previous to mine that Whaler hasn't answered to date. He usually announces his holidays to all so that people get the "heads up" and can search for another source of trade by trade analysis with all the mailing adresses for each brokerage firm. You just never know when they might try and slip a fast one by us by changing their corporate address. Has he packed up and gone? I don't know but you think we would have heard from him by now.


about 13 years ago
Are you there Whaler?

Just haven't heard from you in awhile. Thought maybe you had gone on holidays and gave the job of running the hub to someone else.


about 13 years ago
Re: Poor Poor Randy

Why the yellow flag on this post? Please don't tell me it's because of word "h-e-double hockey sticks". Please!


about 13 years ago
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