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teck between

I think that Teck is desperately seeking financier as it doesnt have enough funds for total buyout. Chinese CIC is not landing money without asking for huge portion of district and TECK is trying to get it all and become at par with rio tinto or giants like that. This is rare TECKs chance to become one...

about 12 years ago
Re: 25 % sale

that would be great and logical move, as you said and web initilized per geo history seems that much more gold deposits are further south and that would greatly impact results of cuu2. I have found another geo eng who 's thinking that results on south side will be in favour of more gold

about 12 years ago
25 % sale

I was wondering as with all this money printing and devaluation of it, wouldnt EE want to have firm savings in instead of selling all his stocks (main part of his lets say MIN 25% OF cuu) ) ,just part of his ownership. I dont see with this usa quadrillion $ print out that his millions of investment years ago realistically is worth at least double TODAY just to keep buying power at the same level,and if he wants to earn any profits he should ask at least 3-4 times from todays price . regard that as safe deposit it he surely needs firm investement in gold, copper or silver and he already has that today .So I am guessing that he may actually stay in CUU coop with major after buyout. Is it possible that he gets that deal ?

about 12 years ago
new style politics

to all ney clear up....from centuries ago its known (to some more or less) that who wants to rule has to have resources. Thats why there were all this wars going on. one of last one was ww2 when germany didnt have any colonies and most were held by english, dutch,spanish become first you need resources and they tried old fashioned way of becoming one by failed as many of kingdoms this shifted into huge few conglomerats who realized to overtake resources is easier to print money all over the world and create confusion about whats going on and goals of that . it is pretty simple,prices of minors in mining business are held low artificially until everything gets bought out......the only resistance /competition can be created by chinese ,india (maybe some union by south america) and they very well know order to stay in the game chinese/indian have to buy as much resources as they can otherwise they will totally be dependant on mercy of big west boys......are they willing or stupid to stay on sidelines ? 5000 years of surviving culture says NO......on the other hand they have few trillions of paper which cannot be eaten.....will they be happy to use it in the stoves to cook ?....they have to feed,house and move their people....quietly they thru CIC and who knows which other venues they are watching and when time comes they will give orders to buy.....this is to controvene everybody who tells we have to watch global picture which is bad ( are you kidding me ? read again first few lines if you need )

over 12 years ago
who has the money for buyout / everybody

we never know where money will come from. do we really care,just give me some of those crumbs

indians have 500 bilions stashed for investments.....article ....$500 billion black money hidden abroad: CBI

over 12 years ago
who can invest in cuu

I would not worry about investors,,,,,here is only ONE man with pile of money, what do you think how many others are searching for great to article....Indian billionaire with $3.8 billion pile of cash can’t find worthy domestic investment.........

over 12 years ago
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