usainvestor123's Profile

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Re: usainvestor123 question

I appreciate it. Everyone knows this will be approved...I just hope that Mannking will have enough production by this time next year to fill my prescription. I don't think this is the silver bullet of's not a cure. But until a cure or artificial pancreas is, exercise, & Afrezza will be the closest thing. As I can only speak for those with Type II diabetes...Afrezza is still light years beyond oral meds or any injectable insulin. Can anyone think of a negative...or even a mere side effect of Afrezza. neither.

over 11 years ago
Re: usainvestor123 question

Im hesitant to provide that many details because my intention is not to pump the stock...Im still trying to accumulate at these levels.... but I imagine anyone with an IQ greater great than an armadillo is too. That being said....Starting level was 8.1 and by the end of the trial it was 6.9. I was even more impressed at how it dramatically reduced the post meal spikes. Didn't have a big low and had no hypo events.

over 11 years ago
Re: Copy of Joe Springer Article - 5 Reasons MannKind Could Be The Best Performing S

People should take my experience in the Affinity II Trial with a grain of salt. I am merely just one data point. If someone has not done the requisite due diligence on Mannkind, Dr. Mann, and Afrezza......and are relying on the testimonials of complete strangers, than I simply wish them good luck. The Joe Springer Article I posted is simply a composite of already know facts and figures that I thought would be helpful as a starting point to those that are new to the stock and the story of Mannkind. This forums due diligence links were helpful to me and wanted to pay it forward. I have done my research, have participated in the Affinity II trials, and as a result...I have backed the truck up!!! But as I said previously, I am just one person and that it the conclusion I arrived at from my firsthand experience with the product and weeks of research to include the many articles Joe Springer has written on MNKD.

over 11 years ago
Copy of Joe Springer Article - 5 Reasons MannKind Could Be The Best Performing S

This Joe Springer article was copied when it was free...before seeking alpha locked it away. Whether you are short or long, this is a very well written article by Joe Springer. It provides a thorough understanding of not only why Afrezza will be approved, but why it is on the verge of becoming one of… if not THE most successful drug of all time. Members of my family members have passed away from diabetes to include my Father. This is a horrible disease and AFREZZA will be the solution to one day save the life of the ones I love.

It is not JUST that it is simply more convenient: No Needles, No Refrigeration, No Weight Gain, No Complex Dosing, Discreet, & Simple to Use

It is not JUST that it is simply Safer: You have to try Hard to cause a hypoglycemic situation which with other drugs cause 1 in 20 diabetics to die (My father included)

It is the most Effective diabetes drug the world has ever seen: Most of the damage from diabetes is caused from post meal glucose spikes. There is nothing… NOTHING… on the market or in the pipeline to come even remotely close to the ultra-rapid onset of Afrezza which mimics the natural pancreas and eliminates those harmful spikes. It is not just the average of HbA1c but also the reduction/elimination of those spikes that makes it superior. Ask anyone who has used this and they will tell…including myself that Afrezza is 1000 x better than current treatment options.

To all those battling the disease… STENGTH AND COURAGE!!!

over 11 years ago
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