u1682002_2's Profile

u1682002_2's Posts

Re: Question to liahall


Thanks for your answer.

over 11 years ago
Question to liahall


Any thoughts about the bioequivalenance study results between Medtone and Gen2 inhaler? Shoud this still be a concern? Nobody talks about this anymore. Really like to hear some comments on this topic from experts like you and a guy called brheavy in yahoo board.


over 11 years ago
Can we agree the latest run just a smart short covering?

MNKD went up more 30% with ~50mil volume within 5 days time frame without any significant news. As trial completion date gets close, I expect the force of shaking to become more vigorous. Hope all my fellow old-timer longs are ready for this.

over 11 years ago
Re: Warrants VS Options Graph on Profitability

Joe, welcome to board. I have to point out the higher return with option in your chart is at the price of potential opportunity lost from 2015 to 2016. Stock, warant, option all simly follow the basic principle: high return equals to high risk. Yo take the each option according to your stomach to risk level. Your chart nevertheless still worths to read is because it in a sense quantifies the return difference for the risk you take.

over 11 years ago
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