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Re: One Man's Diagnosis Leads to Major Type 1 Diabetes Discovery

No, I am not saying that.

I am saying that SEC is focusing on its energy on frying small fish in the sea of big crooks. Just watch where the FDA directors end up after they leave the FDA. Most find lucrative jobs in big pharma making millions. Isn't that nice?

If you see police writing tickets to jaywalkers all day, don't you wonder whether they have better things to do such as catching real criminals?

When SEC is busy busting this guy for insider trading, shouldn't they be curious about why the only trade that the guy ended up losing money or almost losing money on is MNKD?

Maybe someone with alternative motive stopped approving MNKD? Maybe the same person will end up working for a big pharm after (s)she retires? or whether that person has a big hedge fund manager husband?

over 11 years ago
Re: One Man's Diagnosis Leads to Major Type 1 Diabetes Discovery

Way to go. SEC and FDA. Go after a micro organism in the sea of stock cheats (i.e. Wall street) who made a grand sum of 3.7 million over five years.

over 11 years ago
Re: The Insulin Pill Gets Real? A Chat with Oramed’s CEO

Agreed. Insulin is not technically a new drug. So there is no motivation for the FDA to risk approving something is that is not safe. The billions spent on Afrezza can testify to that. Besides, FDA is in the pocket of big pharma, it won't approve new competitions for those who bribe them either. Al better signs up with a big pharma before the next go around.

almost 12 years ago
Re: Advantages/ Disadvantages To Having No Partner For Afrezza

sales team is absolutely needed .

ads are good but not replacement . after approval , dilution is less a problem

almost 12 years ago
Re: Conference Call has been bumped to Thurs

Sandy can reach the West coast or the total of 3 analysts can't phone in questions from their basements?

almost 12 years ago
Re: Why MNKD may be a lousy investment even if Afrezza is a great drug/device

Tolero deal is probably something they can only get. There is very little interests for drugs in MNKD's pipeline other than Afrezza. The whole company is betting on Afrezza anyway.

almost 12 years ago
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