tutank's Profile

tutank's Posts

Re: Another Billion plus promised by Wynne,where is the Billion for the ROF??

The only bet I'm sure of is that the Ontario Liberals will not be the government by then.

over 9 years ago
Infrastructure poll


Tin Man

NO: Tutank

over 9 years ago
Agnico Eagle Mines News

VANCOUVER - Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd. (TSX:AEM) has agreed to sell the equivalent of nearly 9.7 million shares of Probe Mines Ltd. (TSXV: PRB) to Goldcorp Inc., which is seeking to buy full control of the junior mineral exploration company. Vancouver-based Goldcorp (TSX:G) says it will pay about $43 million to Agnico Eagle under their agreement. Toronto-based Agnico Eagle would sell 7.32 million common shares of Probe at $5 each and 2.35 million share purchase warrants for $2.90 each. Each warrant entitles the holder to buy a Probe share for $2.10 until May 28, 2015. Goldcorp announced Monday that wants to buy full control of Probe and its Borden gold project in northwestern Ontario in a friendly takeover valued at $526 million. Prior to the announcement, Goldcorp owned about 9.3 per cent of Probe's equity. - See more at: http://www.westerlynews.ca/local-news/goldcorp-says-agnico-eagle-will-sell-probe-shares-warrants-for-43-million-1.1737585#sthash.3pE3LTP1.dpuf

over 9 years ago
Just what are we getting in New Probe

Below is a list of what we are getting in New Porobe;

  • New Probe to contain:

    • Black Creek Deposit

    • Tamarack-McFauld's Lake Property

    • Victory Property

    • C$15 million in cash

    • C$4 million receivable related to the previous sale of a royalty on the Goldex mine; payment is expected in Q2-2015

    • This does not look too exciting to me, just the hand offs that seem at the moment redundant.

    • Black Creek - really, I for one will not be around and many of the present shareholders as well.

    • 2 other properties that do not Ring a Bell with me, perhaps I have not been paying attention.

    • $15 million in cash Wow! Dr, Palmer and others will probably spend that much out of their enormous wealth just tripping around the world!

    • Next will Dr. Palmer have enough interest in getting his hands into this new mess New Probe! I will bet him and others will soon be gone on whatever junkets they like.

    • It is time for reality; this deal is a bunch of crap eagerly agreed to be members of the boards who seem to have a habit of getting their hands in the honey pot.

    • Am I disgusted at this offer you bet I am and I guess many others as well.

    • If anyone can enlighten me as to the real value of this deal I would be obliged.

    • I do not rant often but this is an exception.

    • Tutank

over 9 years ago
Re: Dave and Board !

It's simply a matter of ethics, some of us have them and some do not. Decide for yourself which group you are in.

over 9 years ago
Re: Greg Rickford responds to province's latest ROF request

Moving on without this Province would be the best thing that could happen. They have proven that they are not capable of developing/running anything, for example just look at the Gas Power Plants Boondogle.

The Devco is another example of the mismanagement of getting this project started, 4 Provincial Beurocrats sitting around twiddleing their thumbs, they could not probably play a game of Scrabble and win. I for one would like to know what they are being paid for to do a job that they had handed to them by Wynne just like many other positions in this Government that she dolled out to elected politicians that do not have a clue what they are doing. Welcome to Liberal Party of Ontario.

DRA was exactly right when he gave the example of what evolved in Greenland, it parrallels some of the thinking of some First Nations here in Canada. When are they going to get the message that there would not be a Canada if the mixture of immigrants who came here and really built Canada by the sweat of their hands and some of the knowledge of the more developed countries thay came from.

almost 10 years ago
Waterloo, Ontario
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