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turcotte's Posts

Re: FN arrange summit with Ontario cabinet ministers -- attitude of gratitude!!

Sir I agre with you completely Frank would definately deserve this and he is the only one who deserves it. Certenly not NN or a few others I could name. Winnie the Poo should ask Frank to get the show on the road and solving her BUDGET problems. Turcotte

almost 10 years ago
Re: NDP and stainless steel industry

IN reply to Tim hudack not coming to n. ontario. I do believe he has left n. ontario in the very capable hands of Vic Fideli as he Tim has to work very very hard on our southern liberals who are still dreaming in liberal land. THe liberals have flushed bilions of $$$ down the drain and the voters of the south have still not seen the true facts. WE could have used that money to build the RR and the road E,W and N.S. That would have created jobs for the whole Province and achieved a lot of good for everybody. WE the people of N.Ont. will save the fools who suport the liberals who simply wasted over a bilion $$$ and absolutely nothing to show for it and do not DO NOT FORGET THAT SOME OF THAT MONEY BELONGED TO US. I say to you all how could the people of this province continue to suport the party who has thrown us all under the bus. Best to all and thank you Turcotte.

over 10 years ago
Re: Globe and Mail

RJ I agree with you 100% . I have been arround in the ROF for a long long time and I will be talking to Vic Fideli as he is our MP. I have been here since the .005 days so I will be talking to V.ic as I have indorsed this party for a long time. Turcotte

over 10 years ago
Re: Star - Orion South Diamond Project Revised EIS: Technical Review

RockLicker this is good news and I also have noticed that you are a shareholder of KWG. I have been a shareholder of both of these for along time. Turcotte

over 10 years ago
Re: OT: SunVault since Gary took over as CEO ...

I gues that we can only expect the worse things now as both Jim and Garry have shied away from us all. IT is just to bad that neither one of them has the courage to tell us its over. I do feel that they owe us at least that as we do know that the markets played a part in that.??? Turcotte

over 10 years ago
Re: Moderating with a heavy hand

I feel exactly the same E F. We need a man of Hoove's knowledge. He is a good man with all our interests at heart. Keep up the good work Hoov. Turcotte

over 10 years ago
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