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Re: Today Part ll


Coming from a family that was born and raised in South Central Los Angeles including myself you have no idea how proud I was when my first born graduated high school and then college, of course her first career as a stand up comedian with me as most of her material was not what I what hopeing for however it worked well for her in her second career as a school teacher and she is doing fantastic. Keep up the good work buddy!!!



over 10 years ago
Re: We Love You And We Thank You Veterans -

What Memorial Day means to me:

Back to the Civil War a member of my family has been in every war that America has fought. I enlisted in the Navy after I got that that fab draft card that told me to report to Fort Ord. So I did almost 2 years on a LKA or translated from Navy jargon a Landing Kraft Amphiphious or a troop cargo transport ship. A big ship we carried mostly Marines and Seals from the Philippines to Vietnam opened up the front of the ship and put them on Seal craft and River Patrol Boats and slipped them into the Mekong Delta up river. Sometimes we would put a bunch down river in an allied controlled port. I often wondered how many of those 17 to 20 year olds made it. We would also do a turn around and pick them up too and bring them back. Being an electrician's mate on board that big ship behind 6 inches of steel plate I never heard a shot in anger. However not the case for the boys (MEN) I was carrying.


over 10 years ago


Seriously I did not quite figure you as the Gangsta Rap kind of guy more like the I Shot the Sheriff (Clapton) kind of guy!!!!

So I am going to go with these guys will stand up and get knocked over like bowling pins one after the other with dismissals!!!!

over 10 years ago
Re: Apple is patent suit target No. 1 as toll of the trolls grows ( e.Digital here )

I keep on seeing the 7's look at Emma's recommendations on coming news from May 14 she is at 21 which is dear to my heart. I think we are on the verge. Let's get ready boys and girls, its coming.

Not to mention I pulled out my dice and rolled 3 7's something is happening!!!!

Turbo21(3X7)The Original

over 10 years ago
Re: Time & Sales - Thursday 4/24/14 Vol 125,430 Closed at $0.05

Boys and Girls:

Let's get this Fred thing over with, does not respond, has deals he is not telling us about, and on and on.

Let's just go over there and I will perform a Vulcan Mind Meld and Fred will spill his guts and then do whatever I tell him to from this time forward.

End of story.

Turbo 3X7 (T.O.)

over 10 years ago
Re: Apple was denied of a quick win - skreal -all.. Less by design..

There is that number 7 again, okay what happened while I was gone that you guys are not sharing with me, haha!!!

Turbo21 BTW that is Turbo 3X7 (T.O.)

over 10 years ago
Redondo Beach
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