tucci66's Profile

tucci66's Posts

Re: My bad --- sorry, jury comes to courthouse at 9:00 CALIFORNIA time.....eom


Proving that you have achieved oracle status-

You're getting thumbs up for apologizing.

A heartfelt good luck to us all


almost 11 years ago
Re: high anticipation and of course waitin 2 see .. todays action

Just my opinion but after such a long period of time I'll be shocked if any of the long term investors sell before the end of this case


almost 11 years ago
Re: I dare you to skim thru "all" of the proposed jury instructions.


I have repetitively stated that a person has a right to say anything about the stock as long as its sincere. Every time I read your posts it is quite evident that there is no balance to your comments. You constantly bash the stock and quite frankly after nearly a decade being involved I have less patience for anothers insincerity. I clearly think you have hidden motives and I really dont want to hear any more of your drivel. I would ask one of the hub leaders to ban Mike4321 for continued violation of rule #5. This will undoubtedly be a temporary gesture as you recently joined on august 22 Im sure you will reappear under another alias. The ban, however temporary, would make me feel better.


about 11 years ago
Fine take the clock of the chip


Since we have nothing but time waiting for the msj and hopefully trial I'll post a question that I've considered since the beginning. The first is an engineering question and the second is a legal one. This may prove my absolute ignorance of engineering and law but

1.From an engineering standpoint- Is it possible to construct a chip without the variable clock and if so why dont we have someone construct one and see how it works. If such a chip does not run at normal speeds then would this not be strong objective evidence the clock is absolutely necessary. If it is impossible to construct said chip-why not? If we could get any expert to say its impossible to construct a chip without the clock would this not be fairly strong subjetive evidence to the jury layperson that it wouldnt be on the chip if it does nothing. Its hard to have it all ways- Its there, it doesnt infringe, and it doesnt do anything and we cant remove it.

2. Is it possible to make a legal argument "Fine if you think the clock doesnt work then dont use it in your chips" As patent holders cant we ask someone to stop using our patented technology in their product if their not paying us?

All right you engineers and lawyers- let me have it


about 11 years ago
Re: half million shares in an hour


Have been reading posts as often as my schedule allows and hope all are well. There is no doubt that ptsc and our mutual investment is nearing a crossroads and I have a few thoughts.

1. We can speculate ad infinitum on upcoming events but the only thing that is going to make this stock move is a favorable decision from the bench followed by large settlements/monetary award. I would much rather be put out of my misery rather than continue with small nuisance settlements

2.There is a core of individuals who I respect and enjoy reading their posts as they contribute to this board much more than I ever could or they commiserate in a way that I appreciate.

3. Ronran has achieved oracle status

4. The closer we get to a decision the more posts appear from "first time members" of this board with misleading information, strange comments and obvious negative bashing. I have said on numerous times that I believe anyone has a right to say what they want as long it is sincere and courteous. There are a few individuals who we all recognize have ulterior motives and we suspect are "paid" in some fashion to post. Suggest we all ignore or treat their posts as they should be treated- with amusement.

5. It goes without saying that I hope future events goes our way but whether or not we're rewarded with a favorable judgement I hope everyone remains healthy and derives as much joy out of life as possible. I have a job where I am constantly reminded of how tenous life really is.


about 11 years ago
OT PCs reasy


I wanted to let you know that you were right on about arca. I use level 2 frequently for MU that I like to day trade. I paid atttention to that particular exchange and whenever arca appeared heavy on the ask they drove the stock down. Much more so than the others. I had not noted that before. Thanks


over 11 years ago
Chapel Hill
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