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Re: Get out - tshaw

Got out last week, believe me I wish I didnt have many shares. and yes it does make me feel a little better, I would love to see everyone sell and force the free loading BOD to have to get real jobs!

over 14 years ago
Get out

You have to look at whatever your shares are worth right now and ask "if I had that much money in the bank would I use it all to buy PTSC stock" - if not then you are foolish to not get out and put the money to its better use. That is what I just did and feel much better for it. Ive lost just as much, if not more, than anyone else on here. I only recently joined the forum but Ive been a shareholder for years. I kept hanging on rationalizing all the obvious bad news to why the big hit was just around the corner. This company is either one of the most corrupt or most incompetent or both, that I have ever seen. I am now convinced there is no way this company will ever make any money for shareholders. Either no more money is coming, or it will come and be squandered - again, more likely the former. Yes I am bitter and angry, and yes its mostly my own fault for being greedy as I have had the opportunity over the years to get out at a rediculous profit and then several opportunities to get out with little damage. Regardless of my own fault, I also blame the BOD as I do not think this company has been operated in good faith to maximize shareholder wealth as it is required to do.

over 14 years ago
Re: shareprice expectations tomorrow

Last time we got what I thought was devasting news - the removal of CEO without anyone to replace him - IMO much worse than this 10Q - the shareprice went up. So who knows.

over 14 years ago
Not all bad

Despite all the problems and missteps, we made almost 4 million in last 3 months from licensing in a slow quarter during the worst recession in history. The MMP has proved itself to be the real deal and that is what is keeping us all around. I still believe that all it will take is a few breaks to go our way (i.e. exhausted challenges to patents, successful litigation to a final judgment...etc.) for the licensing floodgates to open. I still think that this is possible as the core value of the MMP is still as strong if not stronger than ever IMO. This company will not succeed because of the BOD, but it just might succeed in spite of the BOD.

over 14 years ago
shake up needed

I see the current situation as the proverbial need to take 1 step back to take 2 steps forward. Of course this latest action will have people holding their breath to see how it plays out, but it also sends a message that things are not going to be business as usual anymore - which the way things have gone, can only be good. MMP is now stronger than ever, RG and his boys did not prove their worth so they are out. We got new life with the recert and this (semi) fresh start is exactly what we need to make sure things are done right this time. Things might be a little shaky until new appointments are secured, but I see this a great move in the long run.

almost 15 years ago
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