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Charles Oliver (Sprott) on BNN

starts at 12:30 mark

Have done exploration outside of the mine location in the last 1-2 years and found some veins that seem to line up with the ones in the mine. Sees a significant increase in the resource size and wouldn't be surprised to see another 5-10 million ounces in the next few years. Well cashed up.

about 14 years ago
Re: School's Out for Ever.

This link is informative:

Click on each director's name, you will see affiliations with other companies. Eg., Boulay is also in Puma and Strikepoint, Shearer is also in Merit and Strikepoint, etc

almost 15 years ago
Re: Looks like we will have drilling to the west or north of us soon

the real interesting thing here is that SKP website headline is inadvertently stating that San Gold (not SKP) is having the $5M pp

almost 15 years ago
Re: quick 43-101 Q?

It was said to me by SGR officials on Saturday at the San Fran conference. 43-101 on Hinge will be out by end of calendar year. Take it for what it's worth.

almost 15 years ago
Re: SGR news on Monday?

I was not there last year so I don't have a frame-of-reference. But attendance was 'light' according to some companies.

Brent Cook's presentation topic was "Turning Rocks into Money"

Cook talked about gold production being down 10% since 2000. Price of gold up nearly 350% since 2000. Gold discoveries are on a 20-year down trend. Nearly 1/3 of new discoveries are near operating mines. Avg grade is declining. Costs increasing across the board.

Cool said the key to junior investing is wealth creation through discovery. That is where money is being made - think ARU, Virginia Gold VGQ, MAG Silver, Canplats CPQ.

The 3 companies that he plugged during his presentation were

Kaminak (KAM) - he likes the management, good prospect generator company

Focus Venture (FCV) - new producer in Peru, fully cashed up, working on Nueva California property which has 'telescoped epithermal gold system'

and Miranda Gold (MAD) - small market cap $27M, with cash $9.2M, and a prospect generator in Nevada, currently working on 14 properties.

I also attended a breakout session which was a Brent Cook and Adrian Day tag team. In that venue, he plugged Kiska (KSK), Miranda (MAD), Altius (ALS), Sprott (SCP), and Lara. During Q&A Brent Cook noted that he likes SGR.

almost 15 years ago
SGR news on Monday?

I am at Hard Assets Conference in San Francisco this weekend. Jay Taylor is one of the conference speakers. He follows SGR. He ended his presentation this morning by stating that it was "very likely that San Gold will be issuing a press release on Monday."

I went to the San booth and asked if this was true. They clearly felt uncomfortable and said that they could not comment on the content of any pending news. I suggested to them it was either news on 007 or 43-101. No response.

Later, I asked when the 43-101 was coming out (Hinge)? They said that it will be out "before the end of the year".

If JT is correct, then I expect that 007 news may be coming out on Monday.

almost 15 years ago
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