trojanmoose's Profile

trojanmoose's Posts

Re: Canada is now under Common Law Jurisdiction:

No it's not. If you believe in this and think that it has any merit regarding recourse in our particular situation, I'm afraid you'll garner less and less support. Perhaps the Church of Scientology could come to our rescue as well??? I respect so much of the work and research you've done regarding SLI, however, this isn't helping any of us. But, if it brings you comfort, then I suppose you're entitled to believe whatever you want.

I'm afraid that the villains win at the end of this movie...but I would love to be proven wrong

over 9 years ago
Re: To those proposing to take the so called "Olive Branch"

Hey bush boy, whatever happened to your acidic jabs at Lori in the past. Did she threaten to persue litigation? Seriously, I'm very interested. Why would anyone on here who is familiar with all the facts give any of your recent statements credence, when you were so opposed to her actions only months before.

Makes one stop and think...hmmmm.

Have a great day.


over 11 years ago
Re: How could management defeat us?


I have every intention of contributing to the war chest. My cheque will be sent within the hour of reading that we have an initial court date and I would encourage anyone else who is as financially pinched as myself to do the same. Some of you may have no intention of giving. I would suggest that others will, however, upon receiving news of a confirmed court date or filing. I have an immense amount of appreciation for those who have helped already and I will assuredly follow suit with said news.

over 11 years ago

Thanks for the assistance folks. :-)

almost 12 years ago

Thanks for the info Idsands,

Interestingly, I see only one control # for one of my three accounts...which happens to have the fewest shares. Just to be clear, you're saying that we need to acquire the control numbers for all of our accts?



almost 12 years ago
Re: Proxy documents

Just received the white proxy in the mail. Let me save Georgeson a phone call...nope...incidentally, my feelngs are hurt that they haven't called me. :-( lol

#5 is my favourite: To approve the amendments to the company's stock option plan.

Hmmm...let me see...I think that I'll take it to the bathroom with me and give it some some serious thought. ;-)


almost 12 years ago
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