trillium7's Profile

Cabinetmaker, living in northern NH. Married 29 years with 2 grown children. Been in eDigital since April 13 1999. I was unable to activate my old moniker "trillium" so have reincarnated myself as trillium7.

trillium7's Posts

Re: silver and all... As an Ignorant.... does this mean that...

I know 99.99% is like Ivory but I didn't see Nokia in doc. 314.....Maybe it got clipped while cut and pasteing. Thats another explanation why I didn't think they were included in the motion.


almost 14 years ago

So, the fact that there are 8 defendants not taking part in this motion leads me to believe they have other intentions or a different schedule they are going to propose. I doubt that the judge would entertain 2 schedules. If I were to speculate what their other intentions might be I would first suggest settlement. Nothing else comes to mind. Anyone else have a take?


almost 14 years ago
Re: silver and all... As an Ignorant.... does this mean that...

Not all the defendants are represented in this filing. I didn't compare the list of 19 infringers minus the couple that settled but I did note that Nokia wasn't included. There may be others. I'm not sure what the significance of that is but I'm certain they weren't overlooked and their absence in the filing is intentional. So, what does that mean?


almost 14 years ago
Financials are due by next monday

My guess is there is a better than even chance they will be released this week. Although no sure thing, history suggests a shareholder update will accompany the release of the financials. I didn't get much insight from my conversation with Putnam when I talked with him a couple of weeks ago. What little guidance provided indicated that PR's would be forthcoming when things are finalized. So my take is that even if there is an update accompanying the financials, it likely won't announce anything new. I suspect the announcement of new patents applied for, settlements, material events will have their own separate PR. If there is an accompanying shareholder update it will likely provide an explanation of financials and if we're fortunate some guidance on progress and future events.


almost 14 years ago
Re: RE: security patent issues....

My understanding from a conversation with Putnam last week was that the examiner had made several apparent mistakes which Pat Nunley responded to in a request to re examine. If I understand correctly, the re-exam is conducted by the same examiner to avoid the time consuming process of an appeal which would require an essential start over. He said this process was not unusual. He made it sound like they had been thru it before and was looking for a positive outcome. It also sounded like they were expecting to announce the filing of additional patents this quarter. Only indication as to when was when Pat Nunley finished the filing and was prepared to submit.


almost 14 years ago
Re: One Year Ago...and three months after that-Larry

Just kidding!


almost 14 years ago
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