travelmoney's Profile

travelmoney's Posts

Re: Just how tied up are you to the Copper Fox


1. Do you upload your RT quotes screen more than 30 times a day? YES, THE GEL ON MY MOUSEPAD IS FLATTENING.

2. Do you read almost every single posts on Agoracom on a daily basis? YES

3. Do you prioritize logging on your computer to see if there is a NR before your morning pee? NO, I'M TOO OLD FOR THAT IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN

4. Do you follow the SP on your BB or Mobile phone while eating, driving, picnicking with your family? YES

5. Have you considered buying an additional computer screen to allow you to better watch the SP or else while working? NO, LESS CONSPICUOUS TO HIDE SITE ON TASKBAR

6. Do you smile when you see Megan Fox, listen to Foxxy Lady by Jimmy Hendrix or even when you see a copper-red cat cross the street? NO. I WOULD SMILE IF I HAD A COPPER FOX JACKET.

7. Has your alcool consumption ratio increased over the last years? YES, I'VE GOT TO GET A GRIP. LIKE OTHERS, MAY INCREASE AFTER BUYOUT.

8. Have you considered a garage sale or rolling pennies in order to buy more CUU shares? YES

9. Have you been away dreaming of what you will do with your CUU gains? ALWAYS

10. Have you ever followed a stock, a tv show, a sport club, any of your relatives just as close as you do with CUU ? NO, MONEY IS THE MOTIVATOR.

over 12 years ago
Re: Tax free savings question

Not a bad idea to pose a TFSA question to the forum. A front end person at a financial institution may not be too savvy about stock trading within a TFSA (although they should be) and obviously some people on this forum would be. Stock trading/capital gains/TFSA are a great marriage. Good to always get opinions then make final decision yourself.

over 12 years ago
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