tranquille's Profile

tranquille's Posts

Re: Want to make a million??

Did the crystal ball tell you those numbers?

Please stop hyping .. and making up numbers in your own interest - you could be held liable!


over 7 years ago
Re: China infrastructure

..which will not see Chromite from NOT.V with current time schedule :(

almost 8 years ago
Re: More News ..details - natural vs. artificial

Thanks for the research Peter M.

almost 8 years ago
Re: More News ..details - natural vs. artificial

You guys are at least giving me something to smile - when ZEN.V is doing pretty much the opposite!

i was only throwing out the question of how natural Graphite compares to artificial one .. not that Fisker has any competitive product ready!!! Do you get the difference? 

Apparently many on this forum only hear what they want to hear - but suffice it to say it's interesting that no one is able to provide factual answers. AS USUAL.

almost 8 years ago
Re: More News ..details - natural vs. artificial

than any other natural graphite types 

Since they keep repeating it - how does it actually compare to artificially produced graphite/graphene?

Remember the Fisker story about producing thousands of kg of perfect graphite for mere pennies?


almost 8 years ago
Re: Congratulations Agoracom

Same thought.

The layout is a big fail imho - absolutely not suitable for content rich sites like agoracom.

I'd prefer to see a textual list of my fav hubs as well.


almost 8 years ago
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