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Share Consolidation

Has management announced the results of the voting re the special resolution to approve an amendment to the articles of incorporation of the Corporation to allow for the elimination of all shareholdings of less than 500 common shares of the Corporation (the “Share Consolidation”), as more particularly described, and subject to the restrictions contained, in the accompanying management information circular of the Corporation dated November 1, 2016? This voting was to have been completed by December 14, 2016 at the annual shareholder meeting.


over 7 years ago
Re: Gold recovery process

Thanks GH. Read wikipedia and now wished I hadn't ask about recovery. I seems that true future value of produced gold bars, aside frm the market price of gold, is pretty far off. That being said I can only postulate that investors will rely on the PEA to forge the overall prospective market cap. It is certainly noteworthy that all assay reports, summarized in NI43-101 reports and finally the Preliminary Economic Analyis are produced by completely independent parties. Thse reports are, therefore, girded with reliable facts by both the minining company and the complete investor community, including industry analysts.    

Thanks again and

Happy 2017 in every way


over 7 years ago
Gold recovery process

When the original gold bearing ore is ready to have the gold removed (recovered), what is the process to do so?. Is the gold actually visible in the ore before processing? 


over 7 years ago
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