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tpfkaf's Posts

Re: Baffoons with ADD

The fog of war. At least they resisted the temptation not to change the account; they must think the truth is more important than looking good.

I like your word baffoon which I assume is a combination of baffled buffoon. Alice in Wonderland writer Lewis Carroll used to make up good words too - chortle for something between a chuckle and a snort. I chortled at baffoon.

over 13 years ago
Re: "Does your dog bite?"

Kenya participated in the 1956 and 1960 Olympic Games as... Kenya. It's been Kenya since the nineteenth century when that part of Africa was annexed by the German Empire, then the British Empire. Along with Uganda and Tanzania, it was part of British East Africa, but it was still called Kenya. Became the Republic of Kenya after independence. Find your own links, I can't be bothered.

over 13 years ago
Re: m'fr is DEAD

And to think the man ultimately responsible for the order telling US Navy Seals to go kill Bin Laden isn't even an American. Isn't even Christian. Isn't even smart enough to have got into Harvard. Isn't even white. Must be kinda hard to swallow for some here.

hehehe (four more years)

over 13 years ago
Re cc's post on "censorship"....

The pot calling the kettle black?

Arising from the land of lurk just this once, I doubt if I'll be allowed to post again anyway. Ronran chose to bring his post to the attention of agora; I've done the same.

From ronran's post today 11 April 2011:
"For several years, there have been a number of members in the PTSC forum who seem to enjoy making accusations and casting aspersions against other members..."

From ronran's post of 28 September 2010:
"Now that some of the congenital liars and deceivers have either been banned from this forum or have thankfully chosen to leave,..."

As one who left/ got banned shortly before ronran wrote the above, I have to assume that I was one of the intended targets of his vitriol. I shouldn't need to spell it out; one short phrase describes ronran's posting habits: arrant hypocrisy.


PS: I am of an age now that death is not an uncommon occurrence amongst family, friends and ex-work associates. I could have announced them all here on this anonymous investment forum in order to garner sympathy but just feel that it would have showed inordinate bad taste to do so. But that's just me, I can't speak for anyone else.

over 13 years ago
ANI to Display Metallic Inks for Solar...

Non-Contact Printable Metallic Inks for Decreasing Manufacturing Costs and Increasing Efficiencies of Solar Cells

Applied Nanotech to Display Its Non-Contact Printable Metallic Inks for Solar at SNEC PV Power 2011 Expo in Shanghai, China

over 13 years ago
Re: Brian're spineless. You're hiding and avoiding a reply.

Despite my previously expressed disappointment at the arbitrary and inconsistent manner with which this forum is moderated, I hope your post remains on view.

over 14 years ago
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