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Re: torrent999

I'm not a financial advisor Bob just a regular person with lots of bbm friends who chat it up about stocks. my buddys follow me because i can pick them. gwg avl nml that just on this board. gwg went from 5cent to 1 dollar, avl went from 50 cent to 9, nml 50 cent to 3 with in a 2 year span. i'm not here to bash talk aaa. i have more cash in this stock then most people. i care about responsable investing. some times when my friends and i get into a chatting friendzy a lot of topics pop up.

Yes Bob I've have lost money, I have lost money on a oil play called cll thinking China was going to buy it up.

The problem with friends and family is when you got money they all want to be your friend, even if you don't. When your broke no one wants to be your friend. In todays world you can buy friends with money, China has bought out this board with money lol.

Thanks for the advice Bob i will use your advice and won't take a professional advisor path. Maybe i should roll to a beach somewhere and just chill with a sweet looking chica.

over 10 years ago
my comments about potash for cash

I got a msg from someone who said my questions are stupid. I have ask the question because I have a friend who I convince to invest in aaa, he is Ethiopien. He called me the other day to meet because he wanted to sell. Of course I convince him out of it. I've started talking abut China in his country and all the great things they are building for Ethiopia but he brought up conserns that he had about China.

I'm not sure if the person was talking to me about China or my question about using the 20% for financing and the potash for financing program.

If that person call me stupid for my 20% financing question, well call me stupid then.

I like to say that I have lots of small investers who call me all the time to ask questions some are asian, white and yes some black. All their thoughts are my thoughts because I'm the one they ask and tell their worries too.

AAA is traded on a Canadian exchange and Canada is very diverse, its not just greedy white fokes who buy the stock. If you ever been to Toronto you will see its made up of immigrants. If you ask any one who lives in a poor nation what is their dream. They will tell you its to reach North America no matter what the price, why? Its probably because their goverment doesn't care about their conserns.

over 10 years ago
Potash for cash

Is it possible for aaa to used the potash for financing program? would this work for aaa.

When aaa made the deal with ICL why did they only take 80% why not 100% what is the point of selling the other 20% on your own. Could this 20% be used for financing?

Does anyone think this was all setup for Allana since this program was announce a few weeks ago. Could this be in the works and is it possible, since aaa is the only company that is even near development stage in Ethiopia.

Is China a good partner for Africa? The Nations around China are all beefing each other and China has started beef with them all. China allso polluted its own land very badly will they do this to Africa? Did China used Canadian base Nexen deeps sea technology to build its new deep sea oil well platform in Vietnamese waters. This could stur up some tension for China and Canada if they are helping to insert in claim for China. Will Ethiopia be drag into China affairs like Canada.

over 10 years ago
Re: Allana stock price

I try to look at the big picture all the time. The SH price moved up very nicely today for some reason. The price has never jump 3 cent on a day for a long time. Lets hope investors keep on buying. So your beting that in 4 to 6 weeks we will see financing. I hope your right Justin this could mean a lot of fishing time for everyone this summer.

over 10 years ago
Re: Allana stock price

I bought GWG at a great price and sold at a great price. there was alot of hype back then about rare metals. Ive made a killing with AVL also, today all them stocks are down and not worth to much. I'm a beleaver in Allana or I wouldn't of told my friends in buying it. ICL said their mines last for 30 years and they got aprove to keep it going. Now they have over capacity, wouldn't that mean they don't need Allana for another 30 years. Ive read some where that ICL was aprove for the Sde Barir mine wouldn't that mean they would hold off Allana as long as they could till the market picks up demand for more potash. The stock price of Allana is super low for a company that is near financeing stage. I learn one thing about the market in my years of investing, that is the market is allways right and everyone eles is wrong. I'm worried that I miss the bus and I bought my frends with me. Allana CEO has said alot of things 3 years ago like financeing in 2014 production in 2016 but now its financiing in 2014-15 production in 2017. What happens next year when he says financeing in 2016 and production in 2018 this could go on forever, thats what I'm worried about. I will hold off for now since others have replied with some good information. Thank you everyone

over 10 years ago
Allana stock price

Anyone know why Allana stock price is so low?

Will Allana push its contruction date back since ICL doesn't need the mine for another 30 years? Ive been watching this company for 3 years and every year the CEO says this date but pushes it back will this happen again and again. Why did Allana sell 40% of the company for 47 cent? Yes I'm a share holder and Ive never spoken up before but this is rediculus at financeing stage and the company is 34 cent. What is going on? do other shares holders know something that I don't, should I sell and get all my buddys who I convince to sell? If this stock drops lower. How I'm I going to explain to my friends what happen and why. Ive been getting phone calls for the last 2 months about this stock to sell. people are getting mad and I don't no what to say to them : (

over 10 years ago
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