tonyg1973's Profile

tonyg1973's Posts

Re: Dewatering

Yes,it very well could be the old LBE site..closest one to be of use for sure.The nickel price has my interest.All the forcasts are for a very hefty increase over the next year.Could play right into this stocks future plans!

over 10 years ago
Stock Moving?

Well,with Randy finally back again from his many and numerous trips to Europe ,maybe..just maybe he did something useful. Starting to move upward just a little with some respectable volume.Nickel rising over $9.00 can't hurt either.Let us

over 10 years ago
A Small Rise!

Finally this dog looks like it may be lifting off the bottom! Don't hold your breath..we have been down this road before!

over 12 years ago

ISM ,I believe,will prove to be the largest nickel find in this entire area by far. My exuberant claim last week of the biggest in Canada was over the top .The ISM drilling program should be increased to justify the prospective finds ASAP.When the ISM findings are processed then we can discuss them on this ,the ISM board.Another thing on my mind tonight...just wonder what ever happened to that self-righteous.long winded,legend in his own mind type of guy .Millright.Haven't heard anything from him since they traced his IP back to him in Edmonton..Oh well hope he's doing OK inspite of himself...On another note,I would think that the potential shown in the ISM findings would peek the interest of buyers interested in the area.Heck if the Chinese can invest in a debt riddled neighbour,we should be looking real good by comparison.Cheers

over 14 years ago
Re: Today's trading and some thoughts

With the nickel found to date and the money in the bank,ISM is valued at $3.00+per share.The institutions will now start picking ISM up on a daily basis until the next drilling is completed.Stay long and strong gang..the nickel is there..patience is the key here.

over 14 years ago
Re: tonyg1973

The communication from the management of ISM to the lowly shareholder has been very sparse at best..this is the way it is and has been from day one.This,therefore is not a cause for worry.They,in their wisdom, have bigger fish to fry than to keep us informed of their daily progress.We don't like it but that's the way of it..I certainly do not care if you share my opinions or not..I wish you the best in your progress in the market.but understand that many of us believe that the ISM Management are working to prove up this resource and sell it as soon as they can.You have arrived near the end of years of behind the scenes development and promoting in Europe and North America that should come to fruition this quarter or next.This is my belief .IMHO..Let's just hope that the proof is in the report.

over 14 years ago
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