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Re: Junior companies being bought out


Thanks for your expeditious reply to my post.

I'm completely amazed that you answers to questions in a matter of minutes !

It definitely looks convincing the way you put it.



almost 14 years ago
Junior companies being bought out

I wonder if may be bought out while the SP is at a ridiculously low price !!

I originally bought stocks in a smaller company that was taken over by a somewhat larger junior and lost value in the transaction. This company is now in a "friendly deal" takeover where the board unanomiously recommends it to the shareholders. If the deal goes through I'll get 60 cents on the dollar. This company also have share holder rights, but how much value is there in individual stockholder's votes versus the institutions ?



almost 14 years ago
Re: Time to buy?

Rocco and Inceptus

As always good to hear your confidence about this stock. Think I'll add some more shares,but 2014 is too far ahead. I'm one of the oldies and 2012 may do it for this fellow.



almost 14 years ago
Time to buy?

Are there any on this forum that buys share at this 52 week low. If we are really confident that there is not a question of if, but when the stock will go way high than it seems now is the right time to buy.


almost 14 years ago
Re: The Eternal Bulls (Cameltrader and Inceptus)

I very much appreciated your replies on this subject. As a "hindsight" I think I read that Inceptus would have preferred to have sold some shares at around $5 recently. That's what I feel I should have done anyway. Cannot see any reason to sell with loss at this SP. Have to stretch it out.


almost 14 years ago
Re: The Eternal Bulls


Like you I have been invested in QEC since 2008. I have never traded the shares I bought as I believed dips would be shortlived and we would see high SP level by late summer 2010.

To quote your post on Oct.15:"Yes it has been frustrating but for those of us who have been here since 2008 and before it has always been thus. Like CEO Michael Binnion, many of us did not sell any when it recently ran up to $5 because we feel we know that it has much more value than that in its future."

The question I (and many more I suppose) ask myself/ourselves is:"How long is long and how high before selling?"


almost 14 years ago
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