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tidbits1's Posts

Re: Meeting

and the magic statement was he said SGR would be worth a dollar in a year.

After a 10 for 1 share roll back it just might be.

about 10 years ago
Re: Share Price Holding

You're right, thats why they replace them every few months so a new front man can spread the BS.

about 10 years ago
Re: Share Price Holding

I am happy to hear that Greg Gibson does not intend a consolidation for SGR as per his comments in the conference call.

No reason to doubt him right? After all SGR has such a long long history of being so forthcoming and accurate in their intentions. Actually somewhat surprised that the share price wasn't being consolidated at the same time the words were coming out of his mouth.

But maybe they want to issue a 50-100 million more shares before they do a roll back? So maybe he wasn't lying after all. Dilute the waters some more 1st?

about 10 years ago
Re: Financial Post Article on SGR

If they can start to turn a profit on what they're mining they might at least they may have an option or 2 worth considering. If they can't its all irrelevant anyway.

over 10 years ago
Re: at long last Edelson turns bullish

Ha!! Any up day is welcome. I'm not a pessimist by nature far from it. But there comes a time when you have to accept the facts. Bottom line is this one got beaten well beyond the point of recovery. Could you invest now and make a solid return, maybe, probably? But will previous highs in real dollars ever recaptured, a pipe dream now IMO. Working through the 12 step recovery process, I think I'm at acceptance now?

over 10 years ago
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